Antigravity Research

16 years 1 week ago #23497 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Both graphics show the magnetic field circulating around an orbiting electron. I submit that this is more like a poly phase circuit that includes electron circulating in its own torus with an unseen out of phase phantom positron [cooper pair only available when in a superconductance state]. Also, the field is directly moving through the proton and is twisting to a terminus.



The magnetic field is the graviton flow around the electron that is also moving through the center of the Proton. The internal workings of protons operate much like a microverse, and is an exact model of the large scale graviton/antigraviton exchange processes. We of only see 1/2 of this large scale exchange that forms matter.


This is an example of galactic antimatter core induction taking place from gravitons moving inwards along the ecliptic. There is a lot missing on graphics depicting actual graviton eye wall, arm mass formation zones caused by graviton capture processes, and antimatter radiations forming an hour glass top and bottom reverse motion antigraviton magnetic field and HFTL outgoing radiations. But, none the less we can gain insight into atomic processes by seeing this diagram.

MESONS: The Microverse Atomic Scale is an exact model of the large scale graviton exchange, and by looking at how this exchange takes place inside Mesons we can observe how our local large scale exchange works. Quark and Antiquark partners are a basic design of a dipolar time sphere, with a two directional mirror exchange of gravitons and antigravitons taking place around a torus. A Mini-black hole at the center of the Quark and the Antiquark is the source mechanism for maintaining the antigraviton and graviton exchange cycle. I will attempt to find a graphic for this, but there may not be anything available that truely depicts this relationship. John

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15 years 11 months ago #23625 by evolivid
Replied by evolivid on topic Reply from Mark Baker
hey John can you describe what the MESON is in more detail ... thanks! do you have mathematica ? let me know ...


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15 years 11 months ago #15737 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Marx, I do not have mathematica but it looks like a good development tool for modeling a graviton plasma exchange that most likely is the atomic energy power source for continuous creation of mass formation processes in arms of galaxies.

I would like to address several issues:

1) CPT VIOLATIONS: "NATURE'S FLAWED MIRROR" - incorrect assumptions

"Further observations of muon and antimuon decays had remarkable consequences. The number of times that an antimuon emits a positron in the same direction as its polarization was found to be equal to the number of times that a muon emits an electron in the opposite direction. In other words, the physics looked the same for antimatter using a right-handed co-ordinate system as it did for matter using a left-handed co-ordinate system. Symmetry under the combined operation of C and P seemed to be respected. The appealing principle that all co-ordinate systems should be equivalent was restored, albeit in a slightly weaker form, because one could not distinguish between a left-handed description of matter and a right-handed description of antimatter."

There is zero evidence that nature has a flawed mirror, we simply do not understand that 'matter portion of visible universe' is paired with a reverse motion mirror universe so CPT violations occur because matter dominates forward time whereas antimatter dominates reverse time. That is why antimatter is repulsed by matter and evacuates forward time faster during collider experiments because it belongs on the other side of our mirror universe.


The Sub b Mesons flipping rate between quark and antiquark is at 3.3 trillion times per second as measured during collider experiments by FERMI LABS-which is most likely the rotation rate for all mesons in protons.

3) MESONS-electromagnetic charge symmetry operates in two directions in time. We have a linked exchange taking place between the quark and antiquark forming a torus ring current that forms from the flux exchange of gravitons and antigravitons from a quark/antiquark mini-black hole where induction is taking place reversing the compression caused by two directions in time chasing each other around a torus.

4) PHOTONS-composed of a paired matter and antimatter ring current shock wave that is massless because the ring current itself operates as an electromagnetic shell around G+/G- Flux. Photons do not exchange energy as a time sphere because the flux itself is moving faster than C. and is the cause of the Photon Spectrum and electromagnetic frequencies of light. Light speed is a function of G Flux capture processes and thus around positive/negative induction black holes photon ring currents travel with flux around eye wall or event horizon and do not escape. These electromagnetic light rings move around flux and do not exchange gravitons/antigravitons thus they appear to be neutral to gravity.

In summary, MESONS represent a true model of Universe. We can see how the Universe at all levels orchestrates a dual time induction exchange between forward time mass formation processes and reverse time mass formation processes by exchanging G flux around a torus. There is more to investigate here regarding what is taking place at the center of torus regarding axis dynamics between the dual forward and reverse motion paired rotations. I suspect we again have this greater flux moving through the 'ring' much like the photon.


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15 years 11 months ago #23451 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

I have come to the conclusion that our solar system is a binary star system that has captured a third extra-planetary object a possible brown dwarf in an elongated eliptical retrograde orbit around the solar system barycenter located between our two solar masses---the captured dwarf star by our solar system is responsible for Earth polar shifts and much of the catastrophes in our solar system including the destruction of the fifth planetary system that left the face of Mars scarred and created the asteroid belts and comets. The planet x orbits around the barycenter located between Earth and the inner orbit of the asteroid belt crossing the ecliptic and depending on binary system perihelion or aphelion solar orbit the intruder crosses either close or far from Earth's orbit. I credit Joe Keller who posts on this message board for the discovery of a possible brown dwarf Barbarossa and companion Frey that share a binary circular orbit with our sun---this discovery eliminates the possibility that our solar system is a failed binary star system.

Because the graviton flow is spiraling inwards around the galactic ecliptic the solar system captures gravitons and this circulation acting like a fluid forms a gravitomagnetic field with boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are caused by the back eddy 'solar system gravitomagnetic field' moving away from galactic center as opposed to the incoming graviton circulation towards center of galaxy. Thus extrasolarsystem objects most likely have a retrograde orbit trajectory around barycenter from not able to move fast enough in making back eddy turn and pierce the gravitomagnetic field bubble at a 90 degree angle. Past solar system near collisions have knocked loose orbitals and provided a constant source for capturing extra-solarsystem objects.


The ESA has calculated that the gravitomagnetic force field is 100 million trillion times stronger than what was predicted by GR. This proves that gravitons exist, and that they circulate inwards around galaxies creating the conditions for mass fluctuations to occur due to graviton capture processes. The Pioneer Anomaly surely points to this increased field effect near the boundary zone of our solar system.


Sedna is on the same incline as the planets and has a peculiar elliptical orbit that may have been caused by a possible near collision of our solar system with another star system that dislodged the planetoid into its new orbit. If Sedna was dislodge by such an event it could have occured during the actual capturing of a planet x. If a brown dwarf was captured by our solar system it would have entered at an angle and crossed the planetary plane. I would estimate the elliptical orbit distance to be somewhere over 300 AU and take approximately 3,600 years to complete an orbit around barycenter.

"Its elliptical path around the Sun may take it as much as ten times farther away at times. At its most distant, Sedna probably would be 84 billion miles from the Sun. That would be 900 times the distance from Earth to the Sun.

It probably takes this planetoid 10,500 years to complete one orbit around the Sun."


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15 years 10 months ago #20412 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Space is an infinity, there is zero cause for space to exist because by definition it is nothingness. Space does not expand, it is not a substance, it does not curve, it can not contract and space cannot become a singularity. Singularities do not exist because you cannot have an infinity within an already infinite emptiness of space. Infinities within infinities cannot exist---there is only ONE INFINITE UNIVERSE and it has always existed in this space.


What is the cause for mass to exist in the emptiness of space? I think that our visible electromagnetic light spectrum Universe is part of a much larger hyperdimensional spectrum of energy in motion, and that it is this hyperdimensional energy exchange that is the cause for the existance of our three dimensional visible universe from the constant cycling of fourth dimensional GRAVITON energy wavelengths that operate way above the frequencies and speed of motion of light. Our visible universe is only one of many Dual Time Spheres that exchange GRAVITON and ANTIGRAVITON energy between a forward time matter and a reverse time antimatter paired motions around a torus. Matter dominates forward time, whereas Antimatter dominates reverse time and that is why there are CPT violations.

Hyperdimensional geometries only exist because for mass to exist at all the direction in time had to divide in half, with one half chasing the other around a torus as a paired mirror motion. We live in a BINARY UNIVERSE, and our visible universe is part of an embedded system in motion within a constant energy exchange between two directions in time. That is why most star systems are binary because of the dynamic interactions that are taking place at HFTL [Higher Frequencies Than Light] speeds creating hyperdimensional geometric motions with in our dipolar dual time universe.


Our DUAL TIME SPHERE is just one of many in a vast hyperdimensionl geometry that is also in paired forward and reverse time motions. Just as in the microverse we find paired dual time spheres that are exact models of large scale motions such as found in the exchange taking place in MESONS between quarks and antiquarks, these large scale paired motions operate in a continuum of light spectrum scales of extreme motions and frequencies that cross infinite space at instantaneous speeds. Rigid Spacial Relationships that binds matter appear to be empty across the vastness of an infinity, but they are not and this holds true for all scales of motion in Universe.


Gravitons operate at fourth dimensional motions, TVF motion is at minimum speeds of 20 billion times the speed of light. Gravitons are the leading edge of forward time and are formed in the hour glass radiations from matter core induction taking place in Antimatter Reverse Time BLACK HOLES. Gravitons that stream ahead of reverse time around a torus carry a negative charge, are a left hand particle and stream in around galaxies at extreme speeds creating forward time mass circulations. The TIMESPHERE is bound by the gravitomagnetic flux that forms a hyperdimensional shell that keeps our forward and reverse time chasing each other around the torus. The Axial mirror rotations that chase each other around a torus are alligned across from each other, and the central core may be hung off of a hyperdimensional lattice that carries bundles of TIMESPHERE's as embedded systems forming higher dimensional molecular structures.

In otherwords, the Universe is highly organized and operates within a wide spectrum of light frequencies and motions. And, it is the same Graviton inwards motion, that is compressed enough to create hot creational zones in the outward flow of galactic arms that circulate against the inward flow of gravitons. It is only because of the Antimatter attraction from the other side of the time sphere that this whole process is bound together forming a TIMESPHERE. Without compression and seed antimatter cores, Galaxies would not form and the fission process creating quasar ejections from antimatter core build up would not take place to seed galactic formation. It is one huge cycle, and like a river with currents and back eddy's this cycling of energy is in constant play creating our Universe. John

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15 years 9 months ago #23783 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, I took a look at some of the utube movie that Marco Rodin put up. I only watched a little bit of it as some idiot engineer kept on interrupting him and I thought it would take the best part of an hour to get anything out of what he was saying. Anyway I also went to his site but it's under construction, there was a nice graphic of his coil though. Now one of the 3d models that i sent to Prof Kanarev had a disk to represent the magnetic field of a toroidal electron, it just happened to look remarkably like Rodin's coil.

That got me thinking about a chat I'd had with my physics guy. If we want to make a negative refractive lens, then we need to construct a composite material. We take nano sized split rings, made of something with a negative permeability and pass wires through them, which are made of a material which has a negative permittivity.

Now the split ring is a tank circuit, the ring is a one turn coil and the split is the capacitor. To make them at nanotech scales is an engineering marvel. Could we consider the toroidal electron as a tank circuit I think we can, it looks like the Rodin coil. From above the coild looks like a lobed flower but the whole thing is spinning. To complete a circuit there will be a tiny little gap, the circumference is 2pir and the distance traveled is 2*3r.

The next problem is, how to get a load of electron to line up in a neat pattern? Tricky, so let's not bother with the electron, let's assume that the proton is a smaller reverse wound toroid.

A little digression here. school books say that we can skate on ice because theskate melts a thin layer of ice by friction. Sounds good but it's rubbish. The oxygen atom is very greedy for electrons, it leaves a poor hydrogen atom sticking up from the surface, which has almost no negative charge. It's a bare proton. The skate has lots of electrons on its surface, protons and electrons don't like each other, so ice is slippery.

I think that we could do something here. Maybe make something like pykrete to help working

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