Antigravity Research

16 years 1 month ago #15586 by Alan McDougall

As I am sure you know when matter and antimatter collides they annihilate each other becoming pure energy maybe in the form of gamma rays.

Why has this not happened and where is the antimatter in our universe?. Do you think that instead of destroying each other, there is or was a separation of these mass anti mass particles, into different or domains of this unimaginably vast universe?

Thus the universe exists as a duality, light dark, matter antimatter etc.

Maybe you have already given your view to this question about this in earlier post in this thread, but I have not yet read all 21 pages of it


I feel as if I am a small boy holding but a teaspoon of knowledge standing before the Infinity Ocean of all knowledge

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16 years 1 month ago #15557 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

"According to Santilli, the climax of the scientific obscurantism of the 20-th century can be seen in astrophysics and cosmology, because these disciplines have seen true extremes in the adaptation of the universe to verify Einsteinian doctrines without a serious scrutiny.

To begin, the study of the antimatter component of the universe, the consequential expected existence of antigravity between matter and antimatter and related topics, have been systematically ignored because notoriously not compatible with Einsteinian doctrines (Sections 2.4 and 3.7).

Additionally, Santilli believes that the ongoing views on the expansion of the universe, the acceleration of the expansion with the distance, and the so-called "big bang" theory, are a consequence of the intent of preserving the constancy of the speed of light throughout the universe. On serious scientific grounds, we can say that the speed of light is indeed a constant, but solely under the conditions established by experiments until now, when propagating in vacuum conceived as a totally empty space.

The widespread claim of "the universal constancy of the speed of light" is a political, rather than a scientific statement when ventiured without the crucial words "in vacuum", because disproved by evidence when dealing with propagation of light within physical media. It is today well established that the speed of electromagnetic waves C = c/n has the constant value c only in vacuum, while having otherwise a locally varying character depending on the characteristics of the medium in which it propagates represented by the index of refraction n. Santilliu argues that at intergalactic distances, space cannot be considered empty, thus voiding the foundations of current cosmological theologies.

Above all, one of Santilli's major contribution in astrophysics and cosmology has been the focusing of the attention on ether as a fundamental universal medium (substratum) with very high energy density. A star at its initiation synthesizes from hydrogen a very large number of neutrons estimated to be of the order of 1050 neutrons per seconds or more. But the synthesis of a neutron requires 0.782 MeV, as noted above. According to orthodox views the missing energy is provided by the star environment. However, in this case a star could never initiate to produce light, since at its initiation the star would lose (rather than produce) energy at the rate of 1050 MeV per seconds or more.

The sole possibility for a scientific solution of this fundamental problem is the ether, whose study is seen by Santilli as the ultimate frontier of knowledge, with possible advances simply beyond our most vivid imagination at this time, such as possible longitudinal communications through space at speeds millions of times bigger than that of the transversal electromagnetic waves, or travel to the stars at unrestricted speeds without fuel tanks because the needed propulsion and energy may be available everywhere in the ether, provided, of course, we have basically new theories suitable for the study of these advances.

As we shall see, one of the ultimate motivations for the construction of hadronic mechanics has been to provide means for quantitative studies of possible interchanges between the ether as a universal substratum and the visible universe, a study definitely not possible with quantum mechanics."

Santilli ISODUAL ANTIMATTER THEORY: With applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology at Springer. This book gives an overview of the scientific extensions as a whole from a 30 year long tremendous scientific undertaking. The old problem of unified field theory is here solved with the necessary field equations, and named iso-grand-unification, bringing the four forces, as well as the fifth in the iso-electron (Cooper-pair), together in a universal formula. This required way more advanced mathematics than available to Einstein and to quantum mechanics.The AXIOMS of special relativity and quantum mechanics are still used, but these are REALIZED in a much more abstract, powerful, unitary and broader theory. Of course, all what relativity theory and quantum mechanics COULD explain from their simplified assumptions of point-particles, non-contact forces etc., is still explained inside the more general, extended and lifted theory. But the new theory can explain a lot MORE; it removes the inconsistencies both inside QM and relativity theory as well as between them, and it establishes a new and much more realistic overall map of the physical universe.

Before this publication, there was no established scientific theory about anti-matter, the old theories were only concerned about the assumed minor issue of the negative sign of the forth gamma matrix of the Dirac equation, and making some ad hoc assumptions to explain away the inconveniencies of the positron. Santilli and his co-workers have established a highly mature and experimentally supported UNIFIED theory of matter and anti-matter, on all levels from elementary particles to galaxies, the two states being given equal significance in the physical universe as a whole, and corresponding to two complementary spaces co-existing in the SAME space in an overlaid design. What is matter in one universe, APPEARS as anti-matter in the complementary twin universe, and the same with negative vs. positive energy and negative vs. positive time flow. The equations for the PROJECTIONS of matter into anti-matter in the complementary space are worked out in the book, as well as for so-called iso-selfdual bound states which are COMBINATIONS of matter and anti-matter.

The ONTOLOGICAL implications of these advances are tremendous. Here there are not any more assumptions about space curvature, black holes, big bang, mysteriously missing energy in the universe and so on. For the universe as a unitary whole of the two spaces of matter and anti-matter, negative and positive energy, positive and negative time arrow, thermodynamic entropy and negentropy cancels out to zero. At the same time, consistent with the grandiose theory of nilpotent vacuum and universal rewrite system worked out by mathematical physicist Peter Rowlands, matter is explained as GENERATING from the zero field / vacuum / ether. Santilli worked out the mathematics and the equations to EXPLAIN gravitation and masses from the electromagnetism of vacuum/ether, lifting quantum electro dynamics to astrophysics, the apparent autonomy of gravitation then disappearing as just an intermediate construction.

And, just as important: you have never had any candidate for a unified field theory including ANTI-MATTER, and even less recognizing the balanced existence of matter and anti-matter in the physical universe at ALL SCALES (cf. the complementarity of the two anu-spins from koilon) as NILPOTENT. Further, there do not exist any other candidates for a unified field theory having to disposition the necessary advanced mathematics - i.e. iso-, geno- and hypernumbers - to even DESCRIBE a unitary relation between a matter universe and an anti-matter universe. A pretended unified field theory that is not an ISO-unified theory CANNOT be a unified field theory. For example: The understanding of the iso-electron and hence superconductivity REQUIRES the notion of the isofolded structure of matter and anti-matter space - hence nothing mystical about ORMUS substances disappearing out of our space, since this is an iso-dual bound state - without this insight, the equations and predictions for experiment will be WRONG.

Hence, there do not EXIST any other serious candidates for a unified field theory about the physical universe than Santillis. Serious scientists and laymen go right ahead to the MOST advanced theory that exists, and judge additional important information from that, understanding that the social ecology of scientists produce a lot of genius envy and power play disinformation to lead attention away from what is REALLY the most advanced.

And with this theory now established, there is not any mystery anymore about speeds above light velocities (already proved in many experiments), anti-gravity (which relativity theory blocked out), time machines (space invariant), space time machines, etc. The necessary ontology for this is now established, and the sufficient equations are worked out in rigorous detail (equations that are not POSSIBLE to create without Santilli numbers, just as quantum physics needed complex numbers one century ago)."

Now, taking the Santilli ISO-Dual nature of matter and antimatter and place that in a DIPOLAR DUAL-TIME SPHERE, and you have two mirror matter and antimatter reverse rotations in continuous flux exchange revolving around a torus. The FTL flux being the gravitons and antigravitons racing ahead of forward and reverse time around the sphere actually creating the head of each motion. It is perfect in its exchange, and in itself certainly could have hyperdimensional qualities creating very large molecular structures that in themselves becomes another whole scale of motion.

GRAVITONS magnicules, and molecular H2. Practicle applications for extracting 'free energy' from gravitons. Because gravitons also carry a negative charge, and stream into all mass and around electrons as the right thumb rule forming magnetic fields, this FTL magnetic energy can be tapped by repeated pulsed disassociating H2 into atomic hydrogen. John

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16 years 1 month ago #14983 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

1. CMB is not relic radiation left over from BIG BANG:

The CMB does not meet the requirements of gravitational lensing, nor the shadow effect. Both of these facts show that the CMB could not have traveled to observatories on Earth from beyond the nearest galaxy clusters. The CMB also does not possess the proper spectrum to have been emitted at the time when the universe first became transparent to electromagnetic radiation. Since the CMB neither originates from the ends of the cosmos, nor was emitted as a consequence of the birth of the universe, then it can only be concluded that the CMB is not the echo of creation called for by the Big Bang theory.

Further, since the CMB is not the echo of creation, and since, as previously stated, it is the only omni-directional radiation in existence, and thus the only possible candidate for the echo radiation, then it can be deduced that the echo of creation, an absolute necessity for the Big Bang, does not exist.

In other words, the Big Bang requires that there be a relic radiation. There is no relic radiation. Ergo, the Big Bang theory is false."

2. GRAVITON SPECTRUM RADIATION: Gravitons are the leading edge of the forward time energy that pours into our isotropic visible Universe. This energy operates at such high rates of motion that the frequencies are above that of the light spectrum. Noise from graviton motion should be heard as an electromagnetic radiation and picked up by electronic devices as white noise. A whole new science of detection of this graviton radiation could indicate long range sensing of super nova explosions way before they become visible. Since the graviton is the source for all forces in our visible Universe, we should be able to eaves drop on all objects and listen to this radiation way before the light waves reach the observer.

3. GRAVITON CAPTURE, THE MAGNUS EFFECT, AND SHADOWING: Along with Bode resonance geometries of orbital tracks/torus no doubt that extreme motion of gravitons are circulating through the system enabling mass formations to take place. How gravitons become captured forming magnetic fields, tales, and spiraling shadows reveals a dynamic relationship between gravitons and electricity. I think that the graviton radiation pattern between masses allows shadows to form like spokes in a wheel where the lowest pressure point becomes the turnstyle for motion causing the rotation. Obviously, everything is virtually communicating at faster than light speeds allowing a precision motion to take place that orchestrates the mass formations and arms of galaxies around the ultimate shadow tail inductor dynamo of the antimatter induction core.

4. DUAL TIME SPHERES: Universe is an infinity of possible configurations. John

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16 years 4 weeks ago #20401 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Mass is constantly being created in the 'hot creational zones' in the arms of galaxies. These trailing arms along with the galactic wind cause solar systems as part of a local group rotation to slow down over time as a result of star systems moving further away from the galactic center. The decoupling from the central graviton pool will reduce not only gravity itself over time on solar systems, but cause the rotation rates to eventually decelerate as the group moves towards the edge of the galaxy. The left overs from former solar systems probably have minimal rotation and form a trailing debris field.

Extra Galactic Star clusters exist in the tidal flows of parent galaxies. Just like solar systems local groups of galaxies have a generalized rotation. So, if arms move mass outwards how are extra galactic star clusters pushed inwards towards the core of the parent galaxy? Mass can only exist if there is adequate graviton and antigraviton interactions taking place. Otherwise the gravitons will not pool to a required density around mass for mass fluctuations to occur. I think that galactic core ejections that contain antimatter probably result in the formation of many of these star clusters that are held in balance between incoming gravitons and outgoing antigravitons.

So, which came first matter or antimatter? It is a fair question, a chicken or egg scenario where matter cannot exist without antimatter. Yet our current scientific view is that matter dominates antimatter, however it is precisely because we are not able to see the big picture that these chicken or egg questions have perplexed our current standard model of physics.

Without the ability to create singularities, the big bang model is dead. So, matter dominates in forward time while on the opposite side of our dual time sphere antimatter dominates. This dual time paired rotation between matter and antimatter is the common model of motion of our Universe at both small to large scales. Does that mean that antimatter that is located in our visible forward time Universe is a forward time wave? No, it is still a reverse time wave that annihilates forward time waves when the two become out of balance. So, naturally antimatter wants to be on one side of the sphere, while matter wants to be on the other the two spin in opposite directions because they are a mirror of each other. We only see left hand charges because the primary condition is directional due to our mass being locked in the forward time mode. We are blind to the larger interactions that occur at fourth dimensional frequencies and motions that operate above light speeds. John

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16 years 2 weeks ago #15630 by evolivid
Replied by evolivid on topic Reply from Mark Baker
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by cosmicsurfer</i>

"According to Santilli, the climax of the scientific obscurantism of the 20-th century can be seen in astrophysics and cosmology, because these disciplines have seen true extremes in the adaptation of the universe to verify Einsteinian doctrines without a serious scrutiny.

To begin, the study of the antimatter component of the universe, the consequential expected existence of antigravity between matter and antimatter and related topics, have been systematically ignored because notoriously not compatible with Einsteinian doctrines (Sections 2.4 and 3.7).

Additionally, Santilli believes that the ongoing views on the expansion of the universe, the acceleration of the expansion with the distance, and the so-called "big bang" theory, are a consequence of the intent of preserving the constancy of the speed of light throughout the universe. On serious scientific grounds, we can say that the speed of light is indeed a constant, but solely under the conditions established by experiments until now, when propagating in vacuum conceived as a totally empty space.

The widespread claim of "the universal constancy of the speed of light" is a political, rather than a scientific statement when ventiured without the crucial words "in vacuum", because disproved by evidence when dealing with propagation of light within physical media. It is today well established that the speed of electromagnetic waves C = c/n has the constant value c only in vacuum, while having otherwise a locally varying character depending on the characteristics of the medium in which it propagates represented by the index of refraction n. Santilliu argues that at intergalactic distances, space cannot be considered empty, thus voiding the foundations of current cosmological theologies.

Above all, one of Santilli's major contribution in astrophysics and cosmology has been the focusing of the attention on ether as a fundamental universal medium (substratum) with very high energy density. A star at its initiation synthesizes from hydrogen a very large number of neutrons estimated to be of the order of 1050 neutrons per seconds or more. But the synthesis of a neutron requires 0.782 MeV, as noted above. According to orthodox views the missing energy is provided by the star environment. However, in this case a star could never initiate to produce light, since at its initiation the star would lose (rather than produce) energy at the rate of 1050 MeV per seconds or more.

The sole possibility for a scientific solution of this fundamental problem is the ether, whose study is seen by Santilli as the ultimate frontier of knowledge, with possible advances simply beyond our most vivid imagination at this time, such as possible longitudinal communications through space at speeds millions of times bigger than that of the transversal electromagnetic waves, or travel to the stars at unrestricted speeds without fuel tanks because the needed propulsion and energy may be available everywhere in the ether, provided, of course, we have basically new theories suitable for the study of these advances.

As we shall see, one of the ultimate motivations for the construction of hadronic mechanics has been to provide means for quantitative studies of possible interchanges between the ether as a universal substratum and the visible universe, a study definitely not possible with quantum mechanics."

Santilli ISODUAL ANTIMATTER THEORY: With applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology at Springer. This book gives an overview of the scientific extensions as a whole from a 30 year long tremendous scientific undertaking. The old problem of unified field theory is here solved with the necessary field equations, and named iso-grand-unification, bringing the four forces, as well as the fifth in the iso-electron (Cooper-pair), together in a universal formula. This required way more advanced mathematics than available to Einstein and to quantum mechanics.The AXIOMS of special relativity and quantum mechanics are still used, but these are REALIZED in a much more abstract, powerful, unitary and broader theory. Of course, all what relativity theory and quantum mechanics COULD explain from their simplified assumptions of point-particles, non-contact forces etc., is still explained inside the more general, extended and lifted theory. But the new theory can explain a lot MORE; it removes the inconsistencies both inside QM and relativity theory as well as between them, and it establishes a new and much more realistic overall map of the physical universe.

Before this publication, there was no established scientific theory about anti-matter, the old theories were only concerned about the assumed minor issue of the negative sign of the forth gamma matrix of the Dirac equation, and making some ad hoc assumptions to explain away the inconveniencies of the positron. Santilli and his co-workers have established a highly mature and experimentally supported UNIFIED theory of matter and anti-matter, on all levels from elementary particles to galaxies, the two states being given equal significance in the physical universe as a whole, and corresponding to two complementary spaces co-existing in the SAME space in an overlaid design. What is matter in one universe, APPEARS as anti-matter in the complementary twin universe, and the same with negative vs. positive energy and negative vs. positive time flow. The equations for the PROJECTIONS of matter into anti-matter in the complementary space are worked out in the book, as well as for so-called iso-selfdual bound states which are COMBINATIONS of matter and anti-matter.

The ONTOLOGICAL implications of these advances are tremendous. Here there are not any more assumptions about space curvature, black holes, big bang, mysteriously missing energy in the universe and so on. For the universe as a unitary whole of the two spaces of matter and anti-matter, negative and positive energy, positive and negative time arrow, thermodynamic entropy and negentropy cancels out to zero. At the same time, consistent with the grandiose theory of nilpotent vacuum and universal rewrite system worked out by mathematical physicist Peter Rowlands, matter is explained as GENERATING from the zero field / vacuum / ether. Santilli worked out the mathematics and the equations to EXPLAIN gravitation and masses from the electromagnetism of vacuum/ether, lifting quantum electro dynamics to astrophysics, the apparent autonomy of gravitation then disappearing as just an intermediate construction.

And, just as important: you have never had any candidate for a unified field theory including ANTI-MATTER, and even less recognizing the balanced existence of matter and anti-matter in the physical universe at ALL SCALES (cf. the complementarity of the two anu-spins from koilon) as NILPOTENT. Further, there do not exist any other candidates for a unified field theory having to disposition the necessary advanced mathematics - i.e. iso-, geno- and hypernumbers - to even DESCRIBE a unitary relation between a matter universe and an anti-matter universe. A pretended unified field theory that is not an ISO-unified theory CANNOT be a unified field theory. For example: The understanding of the iso-electron and hence superconductivity REQUIRES the notion of the isofolded structure of matter and anti-matter space - hence nothing mystical about ORMUS substances disappearing out of our space, since this is an iso-dual bound state - without this insight, the equations and predictions for experiment will be WRONG.

Hence, there do not EXIST any other serious candidates for a unified field theory about the physical universe than Santillis. Serious scientists and laymen go right ahead to the MOST advanced theory that exists, and judge additional important information from that, understanding that the social ecology of scientists produce a lot of genius envy and power play disinformation to lead attention away from what is REALLY the most advanced.

And with this theory now established, there is not any mystery anymore about speeds above light velocities (already proved in many experiments), anti-gravity (which relativity theory blocked out), time machines (space invariant), space time machines, etc. The necessary ontology for this is now established, and the sufficient equations are worked out in rigorous detail (equations that are not POSSIBLE to create without Santilli numbers, just as quantum physics needed complex numbers one century ago)."

Now, taking the Santilli ISO-Dual nature of matter and antimatter and place that in a DIPOLAR DUAL-TIME SPHERE, and you have two mirror matter and antimatter reverse rotations in continuous flux exchange revolving around a torus. The FTL flux being the gravitons and antigravitons racing ahead of forward and reverse time around the sphere actually creating the head of each motion. It is perfect in its exchange, and in itself certainly could have hyperdimensional qualities creating very large molecular structures that in themselves becomes another whole scale of motion.

GRAVITONS magnicules, and molecular H2. Practicle applications for extracting 'free energy' from gravitons. Because gravitons also carry a negative charge, and stream into all mass and around electrons as the right thumb rule forming magnetic fields, this FTL magnetic energy can be tapped by repeated pulsed disassociating H2 into atomic hydrogen. John

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

If you go to the Proton Replication topic it shows where all that dark matter is hidden in the quarks so you cant find it because its hidden inside of regular matter , my theory also describes anti-matter as a essential building block of protons plus gives
structure to the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear forces
are just the electromagnetic forces of electrons and positrons spinning at the speed of light in side the quarks


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16 years 2 weeks ago #20404 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

"PASADENA, Calif.-- An analysis by the international LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) Scientific Collaboration has excluded one previously leading explanation for the origin of an intense gamma-ray burst that occurred last winter. Gamma-ray bursts are among the most violent and energetic events in the universe, and scientists have only recently begun to understand their origins.

The LIGO project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, was designed and is operated by the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the purpose of detecting cosmic gravitational waves and for the development of gravitational-wave observations as an astronomical tool. Research is carried out by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, a group of 580 scientists at universities around the United States and in 11 foreign countries. The LIGO Scientific Collaboration interferometer network includes the GEO600 interferometer, located in Hannover, Germany, funded by the Max-Plank-Gesellschaft/Science and Technologies Facilities Council and designed and operated by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and partners in the United Kingdom.

Each of the L-shaped LIGO interferometers (including the 2-km and 4-km detectors in Hanford, Washington, and a 4-km instrument in Livingston, Louisiana) uses a laser split into two beams that travel back and forth down long arms, each of which is a beam tube from which the air has been evacuated. The beams are used to monitor the distance between precisely configured mirrors. According to Albert Einstein's 1916 general theory of relativity, the relative distance between the mirrors will change very slightly when a gravitational wave--a distortion in space-time, produced by massive accelerating objects, that propagates outward through the universe--passes by. The interferometer is constructed in such a way that it can detect a change of less than a thousandth the diameter of an atomic nucleus in the lengths of the arms relative to each other.

On February 1, 2007, the Konus-Wind, Integral, Messenger, and Swift gamma-ray satellites measured a short but intense outburst of energetic gamma rays originating in the direction of M31, the Andromeda galaxy, located 2.5 million light-years away. The majority of such short (less than two seconds in duration) gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to emanate from the merger and coalescence of two massive but compact objects, such as neutron stars or black-hole systems. They can also come from astronomical objects known as soft gamma-ray repeaters, which are less common than binary coalescence events and emit less energetic gamma rays.

During the intense blast of gamma rays, known as GRB070201, the 4-km and 2-km gravitational-wave interferometers at the Hanford facility were in science mode and collecting data. They did not, however, measure any gravitational waves in the aftermath of the burst.

That non-detection was itself significant."

If electrons are the 'visible' point of contact for the larger scale graviton motion then if 'Graviton Waves' exist they will be percieved as a background electromagnetic noise, and not have any effect at all upon mass because this instantaneous ripple is insignificant as compared to the actual speed of motion of gravitons which cause mass to exist in the first place.

Paired quark and antiquark rotations within protons are constant and operate at such extreme motions that a graviton wave certainly will have zero effect on changing the structure of this motion---besides atoms are shielded by magnetic graviton fields that bind electrons together with protons. So, until we truely understand the nature of matter and how gravitons are coupled to mass we will fail miserably to understand that it is the high frequency faster than light graviton that operates as the prime mover and creator of all mass in motion. Besides gravity is an instantaneous force. John

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