Antigravity Research

16 years 7 months ago #20069 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Stoat, Think of the graviton operating in its own bandwidth way above that of light. Captured graviton circulations forming magnetic fields is a store house of extreme energies that are available for accelerating light, electrons, and creating a blue shift within the field from excitation of light and the stronger the field the greater the quantized red shift of light leaving this field. Red light has less energy available and is not readily convertible to electrical energy. So, spin and field excitations of light and all particle motion certainly is controlled by the gravitomagnetic field. Light speed is accelerated by electromagnetic fields and energized, just how this relates to spin rates maybe you can shine some light on that subject. But, there is no doubt that the graviton capture process is greater around larger celestial bodies providing local relativities with accelerated excited captured light that once leaves this field becomes highly red shifted from the striping of its own magnetic properties.

As long as we are talking about redshifts, I thought I would look up Halton Arp's classic book on this subject. Here is a quote regarding present thinking about redshifts:

"I believe the observational evidence has become overwhelming, and the Big Bang has in reality been toppled. There is now a need to communicate the new observations, the connections between objects and the new insights into the workings of the universeall the primary obligations of academic science, which has generally tried to suppress or ignore such dissident information."

Redshifts around gravitomagnetic fields are normal and do not show that a Universe is expanding. John

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16 years 7 months ago #20070 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, the problem I have with spin, is that it doesnt allow for gravity. h is a dimensionless number if we say that the speed of light squared, divided by the speed of gravity squared, equals h. (incidentally, if we are moving at about 100 km per second through a stationary aether, then light will travel faster one way than the other but its by a tiny fraction of h. Average it over the two legs of its journey and we couldn't possibly measure the difference. I get 7.37250327649E-41 about ten millionth of the speed of light in variation)

Now to a graviton, a photon is just about at rest. So it has a half spin. I did say that a light speed graviton is an electron. In neutron decay we have a compton wavelength photon emitted and a light speed graviton. That graviton has effectively quantum tunnelled into a space that it doesnt belong in. It dumps the photon, so that it can motor out of there ftl. That photon is the basic photon that can interact in our space.

Its quantum tunnelled, and that means that its frequency has changed, rather than the norm, for a change in the refractive index medium, which calls for a wavelength change. Now, lets consider the idea that its not a light speed graviton that looks like an electron but is in fact a light speed graviton that looks like a positron. It doesnt belong due to its different frequency. However it can hang about inside the neg r.i. core of the neutron.

Its when a proton changes into a neutron that we get a light speed graviton that looks like an electron. Its frequency differs by the same amount as the positron like graviton. Their spins are up and down, or as toroids we have a clockwise and anticlockwise rotating helix.

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16 years 7 months ago #20196 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Stoat! Awesome post, now I think we are getting some where! Feynman uses the Maxwell symmetric time model regarding electrodynamic theory of electron charge whereas 1/2 wave is retarded (forward time) and 1/2 wave is advanced (reverse time). There are two forces in gravity: 1) Gravitostatic - Inward Directional Force, and 2) Gravitomagnetic - Magnetic dipolar circulations forming walls of high motion that surround mass, form toroidal pathways for subparticles, and upon wave reversals form eddys and generate electrons/positron pairs. This gravitomagnetic field is a torsion field that surrounds any gyroscopic motion and interacts with the gravitostatic downwards directional flow. These fields are the infinite energy well that has perplexed quantization of infinities in mathematical models.

To solve the problem of infinities from r2 group charge, Feynman used a somewhat paradoxical formulation of retarded and advanced wave particle interactions. Feynman concluded that the law of interactions of charges works forward and backwards in time. The higher spectrum energy of gravitons/antigravitons interact in such a way to maintain the fine structure constant by operating in a separate bandwidth above that of light. I think that the missing mass is not dark matter/energy but the extremely small gravitons/antigravitons that are in FTL circulation above our light spectrum that is the source for all motion in our universe. Otherwise a virtual particle interaction between the two dimensions of forward and reverse time could not be maintained on large scales. John

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16 years 7 months ago #20072 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Taking Dayton Millar's figure for our speed through the aether of 208 km per second, I get light "bucking a head wind" of 144 metres per second (slower). Very hard to measure on any interferometer. So what is that aether drift of just under twenty km per second, measured by Michelson, Millar and others? Divide the two and we get about 137.

Does anyone know whether that "just under 20 km / sec" was19.7757 km/sec? Actually it would be too much to hope for. That the fine structure constant could be related to our movement through an aether.

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16 years 7 months ago #20073 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Alpha may not always be conserved, the electromagnetic constant I think can be violated. But, before I go there lets look at light scale particles they can float along with greater universe motion operating exchanging light, virtual pair production, annihilations, light and the circle just keeps on going while operating in there own bandwidth. The right hand rule applies to magnetic fields around electric currents which I think are FTL gravitons that is the true source of energy not the other way around. The two are very similar, electrons and gravitons, but one is FTL and extremely small. The trick is how does this wall of field stay away from the slower c waves? Reverse time is the key here, positron currents must have left hand rule antigravitons circulating around them forming antimagnetic repulsive forces that could be the secret in dampening this extreme energy. If electron/positrons are really bound spinning around each other then this becomes a two way tightly contested helix of vortixes with the greater currents of incoming outgoing forward and reverse time spinning in their own paths. Available energy may be extreme, trillions of times alpha charge constants. Thus anomalous energies produced such as [Randall Mills-sub ground states of H] 1000:1 power ratio's will be common place once we see how this true energy paradigm operates. Plasmas become the dynamic beginnings in star formation, and we might be able to look at deep space and truely see how a new constant "leaks" into our space. 17,400 trillion mile long jet of antimatter is nothing to sneeze at, that is a big time force pushing this extreme jet formations from our 4.4 million miles per hour circulation around our galactic center. So, what appears to be a gentle breeze in our light speed atmosphere is really a raging storm outside of the effects of the gravitostatics involved with gravity and the toroidal gravitomagnetic effects stabilizing the gyroscopic motion in a greater FTL graviton cycle. John

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16 years 7 months ago #20074 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

The Holoscience or electric universe folks are on the right track but have failed to understand the big picture on how forward and reverse time interactions create the cycling of FTL gravitons that maintain this continuous creational process of galaxy development. Quasars originate from periodic galactic birth processes from overloading of cycling gravitons around central blackholes that form dual-bursts of mass ejections in two directions from antigraviton cores/antimatter jets. In fact the dual quasar FTL graviton cycling magnetic fields are so strong that the light is superluminal inside these quasar cores, generating huge electrical fields in motion between polarized regions of space and core releases that contain large volumes of antimatter. Electrical current sheaths are not the cause of these ejections, and the reason there is such high redshifting going on from these galactic mass ejections is due to the faster than light internal magnetic fields that are so strong light leaving this ejection is red shifted until the core interactions between FTL gravitons moving around a reverse motion antigraviton field settle down forming the initial impulse for birth of a galaxy. Remember, redshifted long wavelength light is very close to zero light emmissions and is a first approximation of light escaping from black hole event horizon gravity fields. The fission process of balanced dual mass ejections from galactic core graviton build up may be a normal release process of all mass circulations including solar systems and planets and bodes law seems to point to a normalization of resonances within any system of motion. On a side note, ancient myths speak of our Earth having a second moon which may have been destroyed from periodic close encounters with our former sister sun [failed binary star system]. John

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