Antigravity Research

16 years 7 months ago #20017 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
You know, this model of a photon would totally change the nature of the Michelson Morley experiment. A photon with a rest mass will hit the mirror and decelerate. It will do this faster than light. It will emit a graviton and an electron will absorb a graviton. However the energy of the collision will be distributed through the gravitons gravitational wavelength, which is absolutely enormous. The electromagnetic wavelength is no slouch either, its about the size of a galaxy.

Then we have to allow for a standing wave having been established in the vacuum particles. Also, the mirror has moved, and it will move at about 250 km per second but thats miniscule compared to the speed of gravity. The return path will look the same length.

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16 years 7 months ago #20020 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Walter R. Lamb


It is found that dark energy consists of gravitationally repulsive antimatter. The implications are discussed. A solar system proof is provided.

Key Words: Dark Energy, Anti-matter, Repulsive Gravity

It is proposed that the cosmological dark energy consists primarily of anti-particle anti-gravity. According to the theory of Noyes and Starson in their paper DiscreteAntigravity[1] anti-particles near the surface of the earth will fall up with the sameacceleration that the corresponding particles fall down. Koberlein[2] analyzed thiscrossing symmetry in the mainstream Physics context and found only an apparentviolation of the weak equivalence principle, which he handles by modifying gravita-tional theory to agree with both general relativity and the Noyes prediction. Therehave been other speculations on the gravitational properties of anti-particles; only twoexamples are cited here: [3] and [4]. The discussion herein assumes with Wheeler[5]that We now know that for every particle in nature there is an anti-particle andwith Hoyle, Burbridge, and Narliker[6] as well as the distinction between the univer-sal sea of particles and a sea of separated fireballs there is the difference that in the big-bang case the sea is a balanced particle-antiparticle system, whereas the fireballs are of particles only .... The big-bang requires a major, cosmological separation of matter and antimatter or annihilation. The difficulty of handling this is analyzed in a recent paper[7] where the possibility of small amounts of antimater in domains surrounded by matter is only entertained for the early universe. Extending the Noyes theory, I propose that antiparticles are gravitationally self-repulsive, no collective or cluster masses such as molecules, pebbles, stars and galaxies occurring. Early nucleosynthesis may have formed antiparticle atoms, which would likewise be gravitationally repulsive. Antimatter would be mostly exterior to visible galaxies and possibly, excluding major matter events such as a supernova, would be between galaxies and pushing them both apart and individually compacta s observed. In that case the Universe would look like a sponge, as indeed the latest Hubblepictures show[8], with intergalactic voids composed of antiparticles as a virtually transparent gas and the gravitationally bound portions composed of the molecules,planets, stars, and galaxies that we observe. One can then expect that the volume of void should greatly exceed the volume of visible matter, which is observationally true. This approach and understanding solves all or nearly all the dark energy problem. At least half of the coherence of galaxies may be provided by the repulsive gravita-tional force between the galaxies. The curvature of space is characterized by the den-sity parameter #8486;total= 1 which was determined from the Boomerang experiment[9] tobe equal to 1 which implies a flat space. The Boomerang measurements coupled withthe data from Type Ia supernova studies also provide #8486;#923;(vacuum energy density) =0.7, and #8486;M(matter density) =0.3 where #8486;total= #8486;#923;+ #8486;M. Here the term vacuumenergy density may be about half replaced by anti-particle dark energy, #8486;AP. The 0.7value is close to double the 0.3 value which is expected for the model now proposedwhere #8486;total= #8486;#923;+ #8486;M+ #8486;AP.Clouds principally of hydrogen are observed in the outer reaches of galaxies andprominently beyond galaxies, for example by radio astronomy[10].These can be nor-mal particles, atoms, and molecules or anti-matter. The antimatter proposed as fillingthe intergalactic voids may have already been detected as a portion of the gammaray input at about 1 Gev which is about the correct result for proton/antiproton annihilation. This model may also explain at least some of the gamma ray burst activity where apparent fireballs seem to require electron-positron and gamma rayoutbursts[11]. One result that would point strongly toward this model wold be find-ing the annihilation energy of neutrinos to be at or near 0.000235 ev. This model mayalso solve the problem of how the early stages of the Universe could support bothparticles and antiparticles without total annihilation because of the repulsive grav-itation. A further implication of this proposal: the universe has steadily expanded from the big bang but should begin to recover acceleration as the sea of antiparticles gradually leaves the matter portion."

Antimatter production is a by product of GRAVITON interactions in forward time, so the fact that we do not see equal amounts of antimatter in forward time is because it is a reverse time wave going away from our forward motion. The above article sticks to the party line regarding BB theory matter winning out over antimatter. But, at the same time the article raises huge questions as to where is all this antimatter being produced going? Going away to where? We cannot see large scale rotations, YET! But, no doubt they exist in my mind. It would be impossible to have rules only apply to sub particles that rotate around each other at extreme speeds and not to the general universe. For one thing, the dynamic galactic vortex is in extreme motion in visible universe with no apparent mechanism of inflow explaining such incredible velocities without an equal balanced rotation some where else? Do worm holes existing at center of galaxies surrounded by antigravitons jet across vast distances of space at 4th dimensional speeds connecting with a paired reverse antimatter black hole in a reverse time universe?

Energy and mass relationships are simply not well understood, because we cannot see this greater cycling of both graviton and antigraviton circuits. Once we begin to understand this greater graviton cycle, then free available energy that defeats lenz breaking creating perpetual motion using captured gravitons in magnetic circuits and using high electromagnetic field radio waves with magnets to disassociate electrons from H20 for immediate high energy usage for powering vehicles will be a reality. Energy is cycling at FTL speeds, why it is so well masked and we plainly do not get it is one of the questions of this century. This is a complex relationship that is very remarkable considering such huge power inputs and outputs from the GRAVITON CYCLE. John

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16 years 7 months ago #20024 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
One thing to be said about the paper. The energy of an electron neutrino will be 5.05139271674E-02 ev. That's 2.149E 02 times what the guy is after.

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16 years 7 months ago #20025 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
The neutrino starts acting like a graviton as it can move through everything without contact. So, I would expect you are right there prediction is probably based on C motion energies. I have been thinking about galactic motion in regards to general motion of this arm of visible universe. If our galaxy is moving at 1.4 million miles per hour towards Virgo the great attractor, then that direction could indicate direction of motion of the visible universe. With the speed of gravitons at our back heading towards the leading edge of forward time, before flipping at center of black holes, the visible universe will appear lumpy and like a sponge because it is all traveling together at same speed of motion---the arms are continuously expanding away from hot creational zones. There is a Paradox in differential motions causing the expansion because actually our forward motion is not keeping up with central vortical motion, for instance our galaxy core is moving at 4.4 million miles per hour which is much faster then our solar system moves around galaxy. Facing the 1 million miles per hour galactic wind formed from expansion of gases and radiation around creational zones, and 20 billion x C gravitons at our back you begin to realize that 4d class motion is really barely a breeze in the old back yard because of the incredibly small size of the particle we barely feel the effects of gravity.

Antimatter induction from graviton capture could be the key to FTL warp drive systems. Building a warp drive that captured ftl gravitons would create a reverse time effect [positive charge] that moved ahead of the craft in front of [negative charge] forward time gravitons. The warp drive attracting extreme motion gravitons circulating around an artificial black hole creating antimatter induction at core could create a worm hole of antigravitons pushing ahead of the inward rushing gravitons driving the craft at billions of times the speed of light. Light shock waves would surround the extreme gravitomagnetic fields that would protect the vessel and keep it free from the effects of local 3d field relativities.

Since forward and reverse time are trying to collapse back to zero and spin around each other on large to small scale motions, then why does antimatter move away from matter in visible universe? I thought this one out over the last couple of days. What I came up with since it seems like another paradox, is that the torsion fields are so great from 4d gravitons that it is impossible for bulk antimatter to stay near these fields since they are pushed away by their reverse field motions. Positronium must spin at a very fast rate, I would say that reverse spin torsion fields when coupled must drive tremendous rotations. That is why infinite universe with bubbles of forward and reverse time coupled torsion fields probably translate into such extreme motion that this torgue is passed instantly like ripples in time through the entire mechanism. Talk about seeing these vast ribbons of missing matter like pebbles in a stream bed in deep space, I can only imagine what forces are racing down through these remote places. Because everything is moving together at the same rate of motion, what we are able to see in visible universe looks like jewels sparkling in space at zero motion. Well, because this background extreme motion is hidden we are not able to see the cause for mass formation and galactic high speed rotations, but no doubt the Graviton Cycle is there waiting to be discovered. John

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16 years 7 months ago #20191 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
I've got a bit of a rabbit off, as we say in the u.k. I've got the neutron mass minus the proton's mass, plus the electron's mass, plus the neutrino's mass. I'm left shy of a mass of 9.1093897E-31 Divide that through by the rest mass of the photon, which I reckon is 6.03595039111E-64 We get 1.509188961E 33 which is of course the reciprocal of h.

What does this do to the conservation of spin? It looks as though there is a photon emitted and that has a spin of one. Total spin one and a half?[8)] That's a no-no and a half (excuse the lousey pun) [:D][8D][;)]

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16 years 7 months ago #20029 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
What I think happens here. The neutron decays into a proton, electron, neutrino and a photon of the Compton wavelenght, that's a soft gamma ray, it also emits a light speed graviton which accelerates to the speed of gravity, taking with it an electron mass. That accounts for the mass discrepancy. To conserve spin, we have to say that the photon has a spin of one, whereas the graviton has a spin of minus one. It belongs in a negative r.i. space. In no way can I get a spin of two for the graviton, without having to invent another particle.

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