Requiem for Relativity

16 years 8 months ago #20317 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi Joe, over in cosmicsurfers thread I give a link to the papers by Consoli, where he re examines all of the aether drift experiments. There's definitely something there, worthy of investigation. I do think though that its unfortunate that this is seen as some sort of slight breeze. It looks as though there's a slight anisotropy in light speed for the vacuum, about 3.45E-9 metres but a larger figure for air, about 72 metres. An entrained aether bubble round any mass object, drops the speed of the aether wind to very low values, depending on the refractive index of the material through which the light of the interferometer passes.

So rather than thinking of it as a breeze, perhaps we should think of it as a very peculiar windshield glass. Using my speed of gravity, where c^2 / b^2 = h (where b is the speed of gravity.) I had to find a scaling factor to fit the measured aether drift, it turned out that the fine structure constant was the best fit.

I'm still trying to make sense of it. The implication is that a diamagnetic material lets say, will have a different "awareness" of its motion than a paramagnetic material. Hmm, pretty bizarre.

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16 years 8 months ago #15316 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Joe and Stoat, In measuring h with a "moving-coil watt balance," electric current generates egual balanced upward motion of magnetic pressures against the downward motion of gravity. What if bulk charge at 4D scale levels much like a stretched rubber band is the graviton negative charged bec from bare electrons that emit virtual photon/positron/electron pairs, while the return wave of antigraviton bulk 4d scale charge is paired with forward motion of positive space. This looped current is conducted across 4D space instantaneously between the positive and negative regions forming the energy carrier wave between bare electrons and bare positrons. It is a chicken or egg scenario which came first? The fact that electric current generates opposing gravito-magnetic forces in the "moving-coil watt balance," in measuring h it is obvious that the two forces are entwined. John

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16 years 8 months ago #20125 by Joe Keller
Replied by Joe Keller on topic Reply from
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Stoat</i>
<br />Hi Joe, over in cosmicsurfers thread I give a link to the papers by Consoli, where he re examines all of the aether drift experiments. There's definitely something there, worthy of investigation. I do think though that its unfortunate that this is seen as some sort of slight breeze. It looks as though there's a slight anisotropy in light speed for the vacuum, about 3.45E-9 metres but a larger figure for air, about 72 metres. An entrained aether bubble round any mass object, drops the speed of the aether wind to very low values, depending on the refractive index of the material through which the light of the interferometer passes.

So rather than thinking of it as a breeze, perhaps we should think of it as a very peculiar windshield glass. Using my speed of gravity, where c^2 / b^2 = h (where b is the speed of gravity.) I had to find a scaling factor to fit the measured aether drift, it turned out that the fine structure constant was the best fit.

I'm still trying to make sense of it. The implication is that a diamagnetic material lets say, will have a different "awareness" of its motion than a paramagnetic material. Hmm, pretty bizarre.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Excellent post! Thanks for putting it on this thread!

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16 years 8 months ago #20828 by Joe Keller
Replied by Joe Keller on topic Reply from
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by cosmicsurfer</i>
<br />Hi Joe and Stoat, In measuring h with a "moving-coil watt balance," electric current generates egual balanced upward motion of magnetic pressures against the downward motion of gravity. What if bulk charge at 4D scale levels much like a stretched rubber band is the graviton negative charged bec from bare electrons that emit virtual photon/positron/electron pairs, while the return wave of antigraviton bulk 4d scale charge is paired with forward motion of positive space. This looped current is conducted across 4D space instantaneously between the positive and negative regions forming the energy carrier wave between bare electrons and bare positrons. It is a chicken or egg scenario which came first? The fact that electric current generates opposing gravito-magnetic forces in the "moving-coil watt balance," in measuring h it is obvious that the two forces are entwined. John
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Thanks for posting this. If Barbarossa exists, it is to a first approximation the sun's lone "planet". Most main-sequence stars show a rough proportionality of mass and radius, so, the potential gravitational energy at a main-sequence star's surface is roughly a constant of nature, and of course magnetic phenomena occur on stellar surfaces. Maybe these phenomena could arise from your theory.

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16 years 8 months ago #20126 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi Joe, I worked out this speed of gravity from the electromagnetic/gravitational couple. I reasoned that there had to be something pretty important about the ratio of the speed of light to the speed of gravity. It took me weeks to discover that the ratio of the squares was equal to h.

Try that speed of gravity in place of c in e = mc^2 The gravitational energy is the same number as the electromagnetic frequency of the mass!

The electromagnetic Lorentzian 1- v^2 / c^2 and the gravitational Lorentzian
1 - c^2 / b^2 are proportionate. The number one in the first equation is c^2 / c^2 and in the second b^2 / b^2 but I think its safe to assume that we are looking for a one to one correspondence here.

I've been trying to think about the aether drift problem in a way thats comprehensible. I thought of it in Star Trek terms. Scotty has to give his annual lecture at the fleet academy. A cadet asks why the inertial dampers aren't perfect. So Scotty calls up an image of his great granddad, who happened to be a chief engineer on a Royal Navy warship.

The image shows a bunch of officers all wearing ear protectors. Scotty then gets the replicator to magic up a pair. He pulls them apart to show a series of foam layers of differing densities. He points out that these layers preferentially knock out certain frequencies but allow the officers to talk to each other.

He then sets the cadets some home work. He asks them to wear a pair of these ear protectors while they look at the famous null result of the MM experiment. Its actually an unexpected result, rather than a null.

The layers in ear protectors are colloids, and this suggests to me that any mass has an atmosphere of its own "space," with an inverse fourth power fall off. A multi layered colloid in keeping with Planck's idea of pairs of resonating particles, that make up the entrained aether. It so happens, that I dont think we need pairs but we have to think of any particle having a dual character.

(Edited) a slight error with that previous post. For air I've given a figure of about, the speed of light plus or minus 72 metres per second. Then I've given the figure for a lab vacuum in terms of a metre run, rather than a run of 2.99792458E 08 metres. So change that 72 to 4.33264313473E-09 for a metre run.

Now I think that for the spatial vacuum pi metres per second might well be important. Putting that in I get a figure of 8.24874107849E-12 metres per metre run.

I did e mail that italian guy to ask if anyone had tried to construct a slow light interferometer. The crystal might only be a centimetre long but to slowed light the interferometer arms would be any size you like.

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16 years 8 months ago #20131 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Thinking a bit more about this. We seem to have two sorts of refractive index. An electromagnetic one and a gravitational one. The electromagnetic one.
v^2/ c^2 = 1 /eta^2
In the case of the vacuum,
c^2 / c^2 = 1
The gravitational refractive index is going to be
c^2 / b^2 = 1 / eta^2 = 3.88482813146E 16
(This would differ a good deal if we say that the speed of gravity is 20 billion times c. This is based on my estimate of a speed of gravity of 1.16464217444E 25 metres per second)

To work out an aether drift we take the electromagnetic refractive index of something and multiply it by the fine structure constant, then half that. We get a result in kilometres per second.

Lets take an electron of Compton wavelength radius and stop it stone dead. That will give us an aether drift of minus infinity. But thats an electron with absolutely no angular momentum. I would argue that an electron, at its edge has an angular momentum of h and an angular velocity of c. So, lets stop our electron but allow it to spin. Then we get the speed of light, plus or minus, 1.18E-169 metres per second. Thats down to the leading edge and the trailing edge.

Whats changing in terms of the fine structure constant? My best guess at the moment, is that its the permitivity constant (its not constant) Water and ice for instance will have differing permitivity values, because of their very structure.

As we are looking at refractive index changes, we are looking at changes in wavelength, frequency doesnt change after all. That suggests that frequency and permeability stay the same.

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