How is Man Shaping Earth Changes?

21 years 8 months ago #5865 by xterrester
Replied by xterrester on topic Reply from M.J. Moore
lol... Yes, TVF stupidity all the way around. This whole thread boils down to stupid people doing incredibly stupid things and even stupider (more stupid?) people allowing them to get away with it.

Anybody should know better than to leave a pack of dogs in the house unattended with the refridgerator door hanging open and a side of beef on the bottom shelf.

And the passage of the National Security Act was akin to giving a pack of foxes the keys to chicken house and your vacation schedule

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21 years 8 months ago #3115 by Jeremy
Replied by Jeremy on topic Reply from
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
This happened when we were already occuping Baghdad. What do you mean how could we protect anything with a war going on? Lots of other things were protected, like the Ministry of Oil building which could be replaced if it were damaged (unlike the priceless artifacts which cannot be replaced at any cost).
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Occupation is not the same thing as control. All it means is that the opposing force does not run your affairs anymore, it doesn't mean you can supply a policeman at every corner. As much as I value the artifacts it doesn't pay for rebuilding the country as the Ministry of Oil building does. Food, water and paying for infrastructure come first. Hammurabi's code isn't going to put a roof over your head. The Iraqi people did this to themselves, quit making us responsible for what their thieves come up with.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I recently wanted to access a research paper and found that I would have to pay 35.00 just to read it. This from a site where I used to be able to read research papers for free. The government has asked scientists not to even publish their research papers in certain areas.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

When has this ever not been the case? Twenty years ago the only way I could look at things was to request interlibrary loans and pay fees. I hardly ever have to do that now. You have free access to a professional astronomer right here. The only way you were likely to talk to one twenty years ago was to make an appointment and arrange your affairs for a brief meeting.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Secret technology has advanced to a phenomenal point beyond the knowledge or comprehension of the common man. Everything from mind control technology, the engineering of the environment, engineering of diseases, secret space missions, sonic technology, anti-gravity craft (which I believe our government has the use of).
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

I don't know what to say to this. If it's secret by definition you don't know anything about it and neither do I. How can one disprove this? The atom bomb was only kept secret until it was to be used. We just had a war, where were the antigravity saucers? Or do they only come out in Armegaddon wars?

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I do not think there has ever been such a huge gap between what the government knows about and what the general population is informed of.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Xter, the news sources are so adept at what they do that government has never had such a hard time keeping its secrets. They are continually being embarrassed. 200 years ago most people couldn't read and people only knew what happened weeks or even months later if at all. One rarely saw a politician in person and could only communicate with them at great expense assuming they could even write.
You have rights and capacities people could only dream about then.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
The Moon missions were televised live. But not anything having having to do with Mars. In fact we have to wait to see images until after they have been scrutinized, sometimes waiting months
while the images languish at JPL. I have a long list of Mars Images that were released in the first image dump of 30,000 images that seem to have been removed as I can no longer find them at the NASA image gallery.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

I can believe NASA people are blinded by their own prejudices but do you really think that everyone at NASA has to swear a secret blood oath to hide the extraterrestials? Absolutely every one of the thousands of engineers that have worked there over the past 40 years have kept perfect silence?

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
And the media has becomes increasingly controlled. Consider Donald Rumsfield's recent remarks about fining the media if it reports anything the White House doesn't like. Where does this fit in with a general public that needs to be informed through a free press and free speech? It seems more like we are being managed than fully informed.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

True enough. The price of freedom is vigilance.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
No way is there more information out there than ever. Unless of course you are thinking about the rapidly expanding information base the government is amassing on each and every one of us through DARPA'S Total Information Access program and the ongoing installation of systems, satellites and supercomputers that monitor just about every aspect of our lives.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

By almost every measure I can think of there is more information out there than ever and growing daily. It may not be the precise piece you are looking for but the general trend is more more more.

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21 years 8 months ago #4394 by xterrester
Replied by xterrester on topic Reply from M.J. Moore

I am in a bit of a rush so I can't respond in detail to your post at the moment but will later. Just two points for now.... I am not talking about putting armed guards on every corner in Baghdad. I am talking about guards being posted at one place of supreme importance, the main Baghdad museum that housed the 50,000 artifacts. The administration was well aware of the importance of this collection and basically choose to leave it wide open for looting or whatever happened there. Someone made a decision to guard other installations of relatively lesser importance, things that could be replaced if damaged and not to guard these absolutely priceless antiquities. If harm had come to the Ministry of Oil building I really don't think that would have stood in the way of profits for the Iraqi people for long. Bechtel would have had it fixed back up in no time. How can the loss of the artifacts be fixed? There is no fixing of this disaster.

One news account said "looters" were even spotted by our troops in the act of making off with some of the booty and nothing was done to stop them.

I feel very strongly that if our country decides to invade another country to make the world a safer place, get rid of a hated dictator or whatever, we at least owe the people of that country at least a minimal effort to protect their national treasures, an important part of their national identity and heritage. What was in that museum was as important a collection of antiquities as any other on this planet (my opinion). These artifacts were not just important to the Iraqi people they are important to humanity. I personally am hugely disappointed as I was looking forward to learning about the collection as I am particularly interested in antiquities from this region.

Imagine if the situation were reversed and our country was invaded to get rid of a fascist and dangerous dictator and in the process the Smithsonian and other locations were looted of all our historic items and national treasures. Imagine if the statue of libertay and the liberty bell were ripped off. I would feel violated and deeply disturbed by items important to our heritage being so carelessly attended to.

But if the invading army left the stock exchange unguarded and somebody blew it up it wouldn't matter nearly so much because the danged thing could be replaced.

But if somebody took the liberty bell or the statue of liberty I would be mad as H---.

You stated that the Iraqui people did this to themselves. We don't know if this is true. IMO it seems unlikely that the Iraqui's would wait until the our army had already secured and occupied Baghdad and then when the city would be under intense survellience by satellite and other means, attempt a heist of this magnitude. A small army would have been needed to pull this off as well as a rather large number of vehicles.

The logistics of securely packing and crating up over 50,000 artifacts, many of them quite large and weighing hundreds of pounds and then getting this huge mountain of artifacts loaded onto trucks and moved out of the area is hardly a small time caper that could have been pulled off inconspicuously.

I think it is much more likely that this was pulled off by someone other than the Iraqi people. Nor do I think they would torch their Koranic library.

My gut feeling is that a group, historically known to be determined to expend great effort to collect artifacts of this importance and at the same time just as interested in keeping the profane masses clueless and uninformed about secret knowledge is more likely behind a pillaging of this immensity.

That this incident is juxtaposed with the torching of the Koranic library makes me even more suspicious that the perpetuators are those itnerested in removing "sensitive" information from general circulation while amassing a kings ransom of looted and stolen treasures for themselves.

As far as secrecy at NASA and your comment about decades of people who work there and never an incident of someone spilling the beans. That is not true. Two instances immediately come to mind. A former astronaut wrote a book in which he did mention a thing or two about secret space missions. (Astronauts name and book title do not immediately come to mind but I own a copy so I can post the info later).

And then there was a Sightings episode on UFO's a few years back during which a former NASA employ was interviewed anonamously and she stated that she had been one of the people employed by NASA to sanitize SAT images, airbrushing out any UFOs, before the images were released to the general public. She also stated that this is routinely done. There was also a reference made during this show about the video feeds from the Sats having once been available to the general public but because of the problem of UFOs showing up routinely on these videos that NASA had changed the policy and live videos were no longer available to the general public.

A third situation to consider. During the Operation Disclosure press conference of a couple of years ago, the one held at the Washington Press Club during which many former high-ranking military officials who said they had been made to swear a vow of secrecy about certain things they had witnessed or had knowledge of concerning UFOs and alien life came forward and broke their secrecy vows and told what they knew about. Each individual swore that they would be willing to repeat their statements under oath before a senate investigating committe if called on to do so.

My general memory on this may not be correct to the dotted i, but I recall very well the basic info in some of the statements. Several being as follows:

That our military has had use of anti-gravity craft for decades

That it is possible to get to Mars in an anti-gravity craft in a matter of minutes. (If this is true I can only conclude that there have most likely been many secret trips to Mars as I cannot imagine our military having the capability to get to Mars so quickly and not taking advantage of it) Makes me wonder how many other places have been visited that we don't know about.

That our government has knowledge of many different types of intelligent alien life forms. (My recollection is that the number of alien life forms catalogued was in the neighborhood of 27. That figure may not be exact but the point is there are quite a few types of aliens and our government has had contact with them or knows about them)

Many came forward to relate their experiences with UFO's.

All in all it was a pretty amazing press conference and I believe the retired military officers were telling the truth. What possible motivation would there be for so many of them to publicly break their security vows exposing themselves to possibe prosecution and retaliation?
And the ones that appeared at the Disclosure press conference (about 40 I think) were just the tip of the iceberg. It was stated that there are hundreds more similar individuals willing to come forward at this point and tell the truth.

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21 years 8 months ago #3139 by north
Replied by north on topic Reply from
to all you guys that have responded

i would not doubt there are things hidden from us.for instance EXPO 67,i went there, there was a flying saucer in the US pavilion! can you believe! also i remember a astronaut, i don't remember who,who talked about the dark side of the moon,i have not heard a thing about it since.also about flying machines going to mars in some ways does not surprise me,i have a book by THOMAS VALONE called ELECTROGRAVITICS SYSTEMS who talks about T.TOWNSEND BROWN and some of what they talk about goes back to the 1920's!(i got this book from INFINITE ENERGY web site, )by the way pay the price for the information that they price so high,unless you can't afford it, go for it!also are you guys familar with what was happening in the 1950'S with AVRO AERO in MISSISSAUGA,ONTARIO CANADA,check it sure is interesting!

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21 years 8 months ago #5753 by xterrester
Replied by xterrester on topic Reply from M.J. Moore

Thanks for the book title. I had not heard about the Canadian air company but will look for info on it..

As far as anti-gravity craft go and whether or not the info released at the Operation Disclosure press conference is true, there is information the anti-gravity technology has been around many, many decades now.

Tesla is reported to have been working on something of this nature. His country neighbors have told of seeing him many times around dusk standing on a "flying platform" which made no noise flying all around the country side.

There are photographs of pre-world war two experimental German anti-gravity craft. I think it is reasonable to assume that whatever knowledge the Germans had in this area was secretly imported into the US along with thousands of Nazi scientists, researchers and secret police under the auspices if Operation Paperclip.

There have been so many reports from various sources that our country is in possesion of downed alien craft that I think it is reasonable to consider that these downed craft have been reverse-engineered to obrtain the technology they were using.

Given that the public's knowledge of available technology is generally said to be decades behind actual technology the military secretly has developed it seems reasonable to me to conlude that US owned and operated anti-gravity craft are most likely a fact and have been for some time.

If our space program secretly has the use of anti-gravity craft available to them (and I believe they do) an obvious thought comes to mind.....just how advanced is our space program and how much exploration might have already been achieved that we know nothing about?

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