Large Hadron Collider

17 years 6 months ago #17924 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
So what you are describing is the demodulation process itself of the FTL signal actually contracting to light speed within the spinning triangle transferring momentum, spinning very fast, and the wobbles are accelerations due to the passing of the "hot potato" or charge agent around triangle.

How does the proton become a BEC? Is the shadow a reverse motion exit wave? Time Reversal, or antimatter wave forms would result from a shadow effect exit wave which certainly would mirror matter, and would be "virtual" caused by super large scale magnetic alignments to opposing rotations of other side of dipole.

Ring currents, and positve ions rotate in opposing directions to electrons around magnetic lines of force. The greater lines of force connecting the poles of motion with in your triangles certainly would be alligned to both local charge separations, and large scale centers of gravitational mass (and huge scale "wobbles" between forward and reverse magnetic flux exchange). Point being that nothing is static, this greater circulation, wobbles, charge, motion is all connected. It is perpetual because, universe is perpetualy in motion due to constant flux accelerations between oppossing rotational fields.


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17 years 6 months ago #17929 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, you picked up on something straight away, that I was scratching my head about for ages. I'm sure that there's a room someplace at CERN where people go and sit, to look at the drawings of two triangles, the proton quarks and neutron quarks. We have what looks like an electron moving round the quarks of our proton. So let's say that it goes clockwise. Then we have a mass change of one half going round the quarks anti clockwise.

Now lets look at a model of the alpha particle, the helium nucleus. It's thought that it doesn't simply explode, because protons change into neutrons before they "realise" that they should repulse each other.

The alpha particle looks like a tetrahedron, a three sided pyramid. if we could zoom in on the vertices, we would see three quarks. So we have cut of the corners at an angle. A quark of one proton is connected to a quark of another proton by a shadow. This shadow however is a weak atomic force shadow.

Our "hot potato" can live in this shadow. Now I think that this thing, that looks so much like an electron, would actually be an electron if it could be kicked out of the nucleus altogether.

A question. [:)] Does an "electron like" charge act as the exchange particle between two protons, or is it a positron? Both could be said to be present within the proton quarks. The same question will apply to the neutron, but reversed.

I suppose that if we could somehow teleport this "electron like" thing from its spacial shadow tube in the nucleus, into our space, it would release a vast amount of energy in its ftl decay into a mere electron. In normal decay, the energy is dumped into a bose einstein space very slowly. Though as I've said someplace else, Robert Carrol has a patent for a pi meson drive that talks about impulses of 20 million c.

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17 years 6 months ago #19703 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
A little more thought about this charge question. Assume that a gravitational mass has half of its energy given over as an aether atmosphere. Just like electromagnetic mass.

Now let's say that the proton quarks are all at two thirds charge, and the same gravitational mass. Now we add our minus one charge particle to one of the quarks. It beomes a minus one third charged particle with half the mass. Could it be that it changes its opacity, it now looks like a ball of aether. It's shadow will still be there but it will now be just a penumbra shadow.

These quarks do have major entropy problems, they are right next to shadows that don't allow energy transfer through them, they're at absolute zero.

So, I'm now left with a really strange exchange particle [B)] As I've said before, I'm not hugely keen on the idea of negative mass, so I think I'll talk in terms of it altering the refractive index of gravitational space to a negative value.

Another thing I'm toying with, is the idea that if the speed of light was once the same as the speed of gravity, then the sudden condensation of matter, as the speed of light fell, would produce lots of tiny shards of holographic matter. Oddly this doesn't need a big bang, just a precipitous collapse of the speed of light.

(Edited) What would a CERN string theorist say about this. Well, with a Le Sage pushing gravity model of a proton's quarks, we have a shadow, it exists but it's not real. Its existence depends on the reality of of two bits of mass, its ends. For string theory it's real, it's positive energy in a vacuum, of lower energy, or it's stuck to an n dimensional brane . Anyway, a string can vibrate, a charge moving round the quarks will alter the rate of vibration.

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17 years 6 months ago #19822 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Stoat,

Yes, those boys at CERN must have some incredible discussions in those closed door sessions. It would be fun to be a fly on the wall listening in as they placed all the pieces of the puzzle on the table,and then attempted to figure out how it all magically works.

Speaking of which, I will study your wealth of info one piece at a time. For now, just wanted to comment on the two way collapsing fields and processes that generate dielectric capacitance, fliping states of polarity, creating spin vibration and gravitational/electrostatic field allignment, and discharge emissions that drive the engines of the internal workings of an atom. These processes as noted in my previous posts (on Sub B Mesons flip between forward and reverse wave at three trillion x per second) tap two infinity wells from forward and reverse time domains, one positive one negative that have opposite spin rates around lines of force. In the forward motion of time the electrostatic field lines of force collapse, discharge into the reverse wave, and then recreate the process all over again. So that literally all mass in motion is being recreated trillions of times per second!


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17 years 6 months ago #19598 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Let's say that the "hot potato" going clockwise round the proton, is a "hole." (Borrowed from semiconductors.) It looks like an electron. We also have what looks like a positron going round anti clockwise. Its the reverse for an anti proton. It's a fermion and it's stable.

The meson is a boson, and its quarks wiil be both neg or both pos charges. For these I think we need two hot potatoes. One having a unit negative charge the other a unit positive charge. That would mean that the two quarks, as a boson, swop back and forth between being pos or neg bosons. The question then would be, why do we see something which I suppose could be described as a "hole" and anti hole" pair of exchange particles. Is it the case that we can only know what the quarks were, after they have decayed into something we can recognise outside the nucleus.

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17 years 6 months ago #17938 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
So, if the Proton is a hole and is positively charged then the Electron would be an Anti-hole and negatively charged. Flux lines would be generated by the hole, while charge would be released from the anti-hole into the hole creating motion and wave form regeneration and MATTER....WHERE DOES THE INCOMING COLLAPSING FIELD GO?????

If the TIME LOOP is back to back forward HOLES/REVERSE HOLES and the Current Loop is the Positron/Electron to Proton/Antiproton then all other Magnetic Field overlays will also reveal this same general motion. In that the DIPOLE will have top and bottom reversed fields that mimic the large scale interactions. The question that I have is how the anti-hole pairs, the electron/positron that have reverse spins and tap into the two separate time domains FTL FIELDS interact as they go about there business? The two waves move around a VOID, but is there an ANTI-VOID which is another resonant feed back loop that is the ultimate source charge separation forming a huge asymetric ZER0 POINT ENERGY cascade that is constantly being regenerated by collapse back flow forming the ultimate RELATIVITY JETS from RING CURRENTS around VOIDS??? Or, does this loop simply reveal a ghost mirror of the reversed wave that rides along with it in forward motion, and or is the circulation always departing in flip reversals? Some how both sides of this large scale/antiscale exchange must be a complete looped structure, I am still trying to figure out what that might look like.


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