Antigravity Research

15 years 1 week ago #23154 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Merry Christmas lads. We're going to get fractals here, aren't we. We've got an electron brownian motion in copper let's say, we cool it right down to zero, which is a differentiation, and we still have a brownian motion. Fractals are there. Actually the Brownian motion increases, because the mean free path increases. Something like bismuth can be a better superconductor than copper, because it has fewer free outer electrons.

Now, let's suppose that inside the Shwartzchild (sp?) radius of the electron there lurks another electron mass. Though this electron has an angular momentum of one. Bear in mind that it's only one because we've swopped an absolute speed of light for an absolute speed of gravity.

Okay, Dirac, Hoyle and Eddington argue that we can have an expanding universe in which either G decreases over time, or h increases over time. That suggests that the hidden electron gravitational mass is located in the e.m. electron's future.

One thing, this is not a black hole. The energy profile of a bec particle is shaped like a moon crater. It has an e.m ridge round it, then a hugely deep hole and a central very very thin spike.

Let's retrace our steps a bit and think of the Lorentzian in terms of a ftl gravity. Let's say that the speed of gravity is a 100 times the speed of light. We've two balls, two inches in diameter, we have a radius for both of one second. We can have the same radius, because we can swop them over, as the 100 times radius ball can be considered the informationally smaller of the two.

The first ball we call the E ball for Einstein, the second, the LP ball for Lorentz, Poincare. We decide we're going to move the balls at the speed of light. The LP ball will flatten by one percent, the E all will flatten by ninety nine percent. A guy in the pub looks at them and says that The E ball is just a flat disk, and the LP ball is still a perfect sphere. We then have an idiot demanding his right to think like a flatlander. Humour him, We place a ball at point zero, with a radius of one light second, we then stretch out our flat sheet to a radius of 100 times that, and say that it's an Argand plane. Equally we could have placed a gravitational ball at the centre as it's informationally smaller. Again we'll have to talk about fractals as our flatlanders are going to find curves that they cannot differentiate.

Enough of that already, Suppose we say about he esu that we are interested in certain radii of particles. r = h / mc Then we can write the esu equation as,
cos theta * f = k_0 * Q^2 * m^2 * c*2 / (2h)^2

I've put in cos theta, where cos theta equals one. Because the speed of gravity we get is a little too low; for my speed of gravity. We still gets roots which straddle the charge value fairly closely though. We'll also get imaginary roots. Trouble is, what sort of Fermi velocities are we going to get in the atomic nucleus? In the case of the electron cloud, at absolute zero, we can have electrons pairing up but for protons they appear to change into neutrons. i think we need to look at the roots of our quadratics and see if there's any patterns for protons that differ from the patterns of electrons. My hunch at the moment, is that we're going to get Julia set virtual fractal particles for one, and Mandelbrot sets for the other. If that's the case, then the interesting stuff should show up in regard to the emu.

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15 years 1 week ago #23539 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi Evolivid, do you have a calculator with all the constants to about nine places? I was thinking about the equation for the esu having (2h)^2 as the denominator. It follows, that we can put that into the classic equation for the gravitational force. We take 2G / (2h)^2 and work it out. 2*6.678E-11 /(2*6.626E-34)^2 = 7.605E 55 Take the reciprocal of that, 1.3148E-56

Then let's work out the Swartzchild radius of an electron r = 2Gm / c^2 = 1.3537E-57 metres. Divide the two values. to get 9.713 Is that pi squared do you think?

The reason I think that has to be of interest is that we could have a steady state universe in which G decreases and h increases.

One relationship to look out for here, would be that, if we could stick a rocket on the back of an electron, its relativistic mass would double at the speed of light. However, in a phase change universe, the sign changes to a plus sign in the lorentzian. At the speed of gravity the mass has gone down to the square root of two, of twice the electron's rest mass. It's working just like a jet fighter. Its fuel is its gravitational energy, which it's burning, it burns very little of it after it goes through "the sound barrier" so to speak. Well, the square root of two suggests an rms value, So that Mach's limit of
1 = 2Gm / r*c^2 might have to have the number one changed to 1.414 or 1.11

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15 years 4 days ago #23160 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Stoat, Happy New Year!

I would agree with the expanding universe and decrease of G over time but for a different reason. Because visible universe is part of a large outflow arm of a large scale paired motion with a reverse time antimatter rotation, the incoming gravitons are compressed at greater densities around core polarity reversals so that the further away from centers the less dense the circulation of gravitomagnetic fields. Protons or mass creational processes only take place in centers of circulating gravitons forming polarity reversals, and that is why protons are made up of 50% quarks and antiquarks, this is a balanced condition caused by terminating forward time in cores of protons around antimatter induction. It is the antimatter induction, graviton capture,and antigraviton jet that creates the G-Force Field which is a repulsive force to Neutron heavy Matter, and creates spheres and gravity wells from exiting antigravitons.

Mass only exists around polarity reversals that are occuring at FTL speeds in cores of Protons. Electron vacua are the hot end, and the positron is the cold end of our local looped circuit. So, to model this process will no doubt show us a new perspective on what is going on inside Protons. I think the Graviton and Electron are both carrying a negative charge, and most likely the Graviton is extremely small as a dimensional condition that operates outside of our time zone making Electrons about a 1000% larger due to less compression from lower energy densities that operate within our light spectrum of frequencies. Space is huge between these processes, toroids, loops, and all sorts of geometric states exist in this energy exchange.

Graviton Polarity Reversals are field driven by Antimatter Induction processes, and this is especially so in and around galactic Black Holes. The attraction and repulsion between matter and antimatter is the key to understanding how the relationship works so well causing mass formational processes to exist in arms of galaxies. So, that on large scales the DUAL TIME SPHERE allows the energy exchange between forward and reverse time to take place without collapsing into one huge annihilation. Back to Black Holes, we see that the polarity reversal itself is caused by the large scale attraction between our two partners, however because the fields are in reverse motion there is repulsion---it is the repulsion that causes Graviton event horizons around reverse motion Antimatter Cores to stabilize and not collapse entirely due to their own weight from the incoming compression, and the shearing effect from the reverse motion antigravitomagnetic field must be extreme causing absorption of any incoming mass and immediate conversion into Antigravitons. This induction process is not visible because it operates outside of our viewplane in the fourth dimension at faster than light speeds. Forming a huge top and bottom V shaped reverse rotation of converted Antigravitons radiating back around torus toward reverse time.


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14 years 11 months ago #23545 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
To tidy up those equations a little bit. Let's assume that electrons are little balls of about 2.4E-12 metres radius. Of course they're probably not but it's the common model, and it's fair to say that the electron is somewhere in that sphere. So if two could touch they would touch when the centre's are at twice their radius.

The radius is r = h / mc We need to double the radius and square it to stick it into the equation of the esu.
So we get f = k*Q^2*m^2*c^^2 /4h^2
For gravitational force, we need to divide that by 2b*c^2
Where b is the speed of gravity.

k*Q^2*m^2/4h^2*2b = 2Gm^2/4r^2

This gives us a lower speed of gravity than I think it actually is. We don't need to put in a cos theta but we should imagine that it's there.

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14 years 9 months ago #23880 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Antimatter Positrons Explain Gamma Ray Mystery In Milky Way Galaxy:

ScienceDaily (July 9, 2009) A team of astrophysicists has solved a mystery that led some scientists to speculate that the distribution of certain gamma rays in our Milky Way galaxy was evidence of a form of undetectable dark matter believed to make up much of the mass of the universe.

In two separate scientific papers, the most recent of which appears in the July 10 issue of the journal Physical Review Letters, the astrophysicists show that this distribution of gamma rays can be explained by the way antimatter positrons from the radioactive decay of elements, created by massive star explosions in the galaxy, propagate through the galaxy. Thus, the scientists said, the observed distribution of gamma rays is not evidence for dark matter.
There is no great mystery, said Richard Lingenfelter, a research scientist at UC San Diegos Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences who conducted the studies with Richard Rothschild, a research scientist also at UCSD, and James Higdon, a physics professor at the Claremont Colleges. The observed distribution of gamma rays is in fact quite consistent with the standard picture.
Over the past five years, gamma ray measurements from the European satellite INTEGRAL have perplexed astronomers, leading some to argue that a great mystery existed because the distribution of these gamma rays across different parts of the Milky Way galaxy was not as expected.
To explain the source of this mystery, some astronomers had hypothesized the existence of various forms of dark matter, which astronomers suspect existsfrom the unusual gravitational effects on visible matter such as stars and galaxiesbut have not yet found.
What is known for certain is that our galaxyand othersare filled with tiny subatomic particles known as positrons, the antimatter counterpart of typical, everyday electrons. When an electron and positron encounter each other in space, the two particles annihilate and their energy is released as gamma rays. That is, the electron and positron disappear and two or three gamma rays appear.
These positrons are born at nearly the speed of light, and travel thousands of light years before they slow down enough in dense clouds of gas to have a chance of joining with an electron to annihilate in a dance of death, explains Higdon. Their slowing down occurs from the drag of other particles during their journey through space. Their journey is also impeded by the many fluctuations in the galactic magnetic field that scatter them back and forth as they move along. All of this must be taken into account in calculating the average distance the positrons would travel from their birthplaces in supernova explosions.
Some positrons head towards the center of the Galaxy, some towards the outer reaches of the Milky Way known as the galactic halo, and some are caught in the spiral arms, said Rothschild. While calculating this in detail is still far beyond the fastest supercomputers, we were able to use what we know about how electrons travel throughout the solar system and what can be inferred about their travel elsewhere to estimate how their anti-matter counterparts permeate the galaxy.
The scientists calculated that most of the gamma rays should be concentrated in the inner regions of the galaxy, just as was observed by the satellite data, the team reported in a paper published last month in the Astrophysical Journal.
The observed distribution of gamma rays is consistent with the standard picture where the source of positrons is the radioactive decay of isotopes of nickel, titanium and aluminum produced in supernova explosions of stars more massive than the Sun, said Rothschild.
In their companion paper in this weeks issue of Physical Review Letters, the scientists point out that a basic assumption of one of the more exotic explanations for the purported mysterydark matter decays or annihilationsis flawed, because it assumes that the positrons annihilate very close to the exploding stars from which they originated.
We clearly demonstrated this was not the case, and that the distribution of the gamma rays observed by the gamma ray satellite was not a detection or indication of a dark matter signal, said Lingenfelter.
The scientists were supported in their studies by grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."

The interactions that cause the formations of GALAXIES in forward time occur because of Antimatter, not Dark Matter. Dark Matter and Dark Energy do not exist. Currently, existing General Relativity---Space Tensor Theory/or Mass Perturbation Theory that warps space around mass causing gravity cannot explain the faster than expected rotations of Galaxies without creating 96% missing mass. What a joke!!!! First of all, space is flat and cannot have curvature period. Here is the reason why this has to be true: A true singularity cannot exist, there can only be one infinity and only one Universe. The Universe has to exist with in an infinite space (otherwise you have a box within a box paradox), if this is true then space has to be flat, in fact space by definition is a nothingness, it cannot stretch, curve, or cause any motion, or warp around mass.

Existing GR theory is plain wrong, shows zero energy exchange for MASS to even exist, and certainly does not answer the question why Galaxies move so fast. If I came into a college class with only a 4% answer as to why the Universe works, with 96% of the answer or mass missing---I would fail the exam! GR is a failure, and just like the BIG BANG THEORY is a joke holding back our ability to truly see how an energy exchange is constantly taking place causing the very formation of mass around cores of galaxies in extreme motion to exist. Existing theories, including the standard model of physics that predicts quanta particle formations during collider experiments is WRONG and does not predict what is actually taking place inside PROTON'S!!!!

The only way to get out of this mess is to think outside the box. Our constructs are so stuck, keeping the mainstream science locked up in a juggernaut of incorrect assumptions that equates matter winning out over antimatter in the planck era of a BIG BANG event that is an impossibility. Look closely at the HERA collider experiments, there is exactly a 50% production of quarks and antiquarks from the breaking of the gluon stream. If a 50/50 relationship exists between matter and antimatter inside protons, then why would it be any different on large scale energy circulations between regions of matter and antimatter?

DUAL TIME UNIVERSE: I could not have evolved my thinking about how the Universe works without my discussions with Tom Van Flandern. It was Tom's passion about the Graviton that boldly caused me to expand my mind regarding large scale interactions. Halton Arp and Roggero Santilli were also key to the development of a new model of how energy cycles in a forward and reverse time Universe. I see now that an energy cycle is the continuous cause for not only gravity, but the very formation of mass itself. This energy cycle is extreme, operating way above the frequencies and speed of light, causing formations of protons in off spinning graviton-gravitomagnetic fields that spin-off of black hole core polarity reversals creating arms of galaxies that mimic core micro-polarity reversals in the formations of proton's. Stable high spinning fields of 4th dimensional gravitons terminate in the cores of proton's with polarity reversals that form a vertical gravity well from the exiting antigravitons. It is that simple, mass formational processes are stabilized and built off of a vertical alignment with the exiting antigravitons that form spheres. Now we can see exactly why matter not only dominates forward time, but how in fact spheres are created! In forward time, the circuit of negative charge always discharges towards the positive pole causing motion. This process is exactly the opposite in reverse time where positive charge always discharges towards the negative pole. You have to complete a circuit for the mechanics of Universe just like the local utility to work! There is no free lunch, mass does not exist just because it exists, atomic matter is a dynamo processing this eternal graviton cycle, whereby protons capture gravitons, and antimatter induction is taking place in forward time in cores of Proton's.

When the funding is available, I will bring together a team to study this large scale and local interaction that enables all mass to exist. We need to build a model not based on collider experiments, even though the information on what occurs during these experiments is extremely valuable, but based on how the graviton cycle actually wraps much like a Rodin Coil through the north pole as the right thumb rule forming the strong force and the 100 times higher (than strong force) gluon sleeve (gluon force) that is the light/speed encasement for the proton core polarity reversals (that occur way above light speed/frequencies). Fermi labs antiproton-proton collisions has shown the BsMesons flipping rate of 3.3 trillion x per second is most likely the true rate of actual internal toroidal rotations of 50/50 quark and antiquark revolutions around core antimatter induction/graviton polarity reversals that create antigraviton ejections that form the vertical alignment or gravity well.

Now we can see why CPT violations are suppose to occur! Antimatter does not belong on this side of our large scale paired rotation and attempts to get back to reverse time. We can also see that now the quark and antiquark paired rotations around a torus inside protons operates in extreme motion, and because of this extreme rotational "Flipping Rate" when during collider experiments can create all kinds of new sub particles that most likely are just artifacts of the experiment and do not represent what is actually occurring inside protons---we missed the entire point because of our pre-conceived notions about reality based on wrong Big Bang assumptions, SR speed limits, and a whole lot of other non-sense descriptions that confuse and make space a substance that can expand. So, there is much to be done in changing the way we look at our Universe. Once we understand that gravitons power the atom, we can harness this freely available energy source to power our world. John Rickey

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14 years 8 months ago #23898 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

Quark/antiquark rotations are driven by a constant flow of negative charged gravitons terminating in polarity reversals taking place inside core gluon sleeves of Protons. Most likely, just one quark and one antiquark are "pushed and repulsed" around inside the torus of a Proton at 3.3 trillion times per second by an incoming negatively charged graviton, and an outgoing positively charged antigraviton. The single Meson inside quarks must also interact by exchanging flux [gravitons/antigravitons], which is an exact model of our large scale processes that originate gravitons. Each 1/3.3 trillionth of a second forward time terminates a graviton in a polarity reversal inside what would appear to be a "black hole" surrounded by a light speed gluon sleeve which is the event horizon. The Proton captures gravitons that cycle through the north poles of torus, this graviton magnetic field forms the strong force and pushes the quark while the exiting antigraviton which carries a positive charge is repulsed by Protons and pushes against the gluon walls creating a light shock wave or gluon sleeve during antigraviton pulsed streaming. How collider experiments generate such large numbers of quarks and antiquarks is because of the Faster Than Light Graviton, the 4th dimensional energetic processes that terminate in cores of protons when hit at light speed cause a breach in the polarity reversal processing of gravitons. The collision causes the broken gluon sleeve to now produce a fountain of quarks and antiquarks because the graviton cycle itself operates way above the speed of light so the inertia of greater motion will no doubt create all sorts of abberations that are not really accurate interpretations of what is occurring inside protons. But, logically there is zero chance that a point charge exists as a non-motion geometry inside Protons.

All mass is aligned to the gravity well, this is caused by the exiting antigravitons which are pulsed out of the cores of proton's every 3.3 trillionth of a second. Because of the bulk exiting of antigravitons that head back toward the other side of our large scale reverse time rotation sphere's are formed. It is a perfect exchange system. The galactic outflow arms that contain mass degenerate their orbits over time because of the galactic wind that pushes solar systems away from the AGN core. However, the pioneer effect, a deceleration is caused by the 90 degree penetration of the constant flow of FTL gravitons that hit the "bubble" that forms a large circulation of gravitons surrounding our solar system. In summary, the Proton acts like a mini-black hole terminating forward time and the antimatter induction that creates exiting antigravtons forms the vertical alignment to the gravity well. John Rickey

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