Antigravity Research

16 years 9 months ago #20545 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

I was thinking that I better explain why the GRAVITON is the standard for constructing a Fourth Dimensional relationship with Three Dimensional Space and not the traditional dimension of TIME. Time is a measurement of motion with in a 3D SPACE utilizing light speed motion. Unfortunately, light can only be measured in 3D SPACE and you cannot construct a VISIBLE UNIVERSE using only three dimensions at light speed because orbital relationships are instantaneous and operate at the speed of the GRAVITON. Because Gravity is an almost instantaneous force operating much faster than light and time is measured at light speeds, then it is impossible to use TIME as a measurement of the fourth dimension. Time measurements then become useless at instantaneous speeds of motion which are required to truely understand orbital relationships in visible Universe. At graviton speeds time would run backwards if based on relationship of TIME with speed of light as standard of all Universe motion---there is a lesson in RELATIVITY paradox here that Stoat has addressed and that is the neg r.i. factor of graviton rectification within matter. The GRAVITON is the standard of motion and not the PHOTON in 3D SPACE and defines the FOURTH DIMENSION. John

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16 years 9 months ago #20626 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, just a few ideas about your last post. Get them down on paper before I forget them. I thought I'd take a look at the Planck time.
sqrt ( barh G / c^5) this comes out at about ten to the minus forty four seconds. Anything smaller is said to be instantaneous.

Now I say that h is simply a measure of angular momentum, and not a dimensionless number. This would mean we have a "time particle," a "chronon" I suppose. But we say that gravity has a propagation speed vastly greater than c. So let's put in the speed of gravity in place of c. Remember that i've also said that any particle has a core that has an angular momentum of one. That means I multiply G by the reciprocal of 2pi.

I get a time unit of ten to the minus sixty four. Very strange indeed! Two numbers, one the rest mass of a compton length photon, and two the temporal size of a chronon being close to each other. That would go part way to explaining why h is seen as a dimensionless number.

Another thing to consider. This time on the subject of that vacuum lattice. I've said it's like diamond, or steel, or rather like mayo. if we think of the permitivity of free space and the permeability of free space as being like the stress and strain of the vacuum. Then the vacuum is much more sensitive to one than the other. i would be incredibly rigid in one "direction" but really non-existent in another. Funny stuff! We should do a rewrite of the three little pigs story. The fourth pig builds his house from vacuum energy.

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16 years 9 months ago #20737 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

"We provide a quantum field theoretic derivation of Einsteins Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) of general relativity using a new quantum gravity theory proposed by the authors called Electro-Magnetic Quantum Gravity or EMQG (ref. 1). EMQG is manifestly compatible with Cellular Automata (CA) theory (ref. 2 and 4), and is also based on a new theory of inertia (ref. 5) proposed by R. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (which we modified and called Quantum Inertia, QI). QI states that classical Newtonian Inertia is a property of matter due to the strictly local electromagnetic force interactions of each of the (electrically charged) elementary particles of the mass (masseon particles) with the surrounding (electrically charged) virtual particles (virtual masseons) of the quantum vacuum. The sum of all the tiny electromagnetic forces (photon exchanges with the vacuum) originating in each charged elementary particle of the accelerated mass is the source of the total inertial force of a mass which opposes accelerated motion in Newtons law F = MA. Therefore, classical Newtonian inertia follows from the basic principles of quantum field theory. The paradoxes that arise in acceleration (Machs principle) are resolved, and Newtons laws of motion are now understood within quantum field theory.

We invoked Einsteins principle of equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass to understand the origin of gravitational mass from the perspective of quantum inertia. We found that gravity also involves the same inertial electromagnetic force component that exists in inertial mass. We propose that Einsteins general relativistic Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) originates from common lower level quantum vacuum processes occurring in both gravitational mass and inertial mass in accordance with the principles of quantum field theory. Gravitational mass results from the interactions of both the electromagnetic force (photon exchanges) and the pure gravitational force (graviton exchanges) on matter, acting simultaneously. However, inertial mass is strictly the result of the electromagnetic force process only, as given by quantum inertia principle (with negligible graviton processes present). Under gravitation, a test mass near the earth exchanges gravitons with the earth. However, the surrounding (electrically charged) virtual particles also exchange gravitons with the earth, causing the virtual particles to accelerate (fall) towards the earth. A test mass does moves under the influence of the direct graviton exchanges, but more importantly also under the influence of the falling (electrically charged) virtual particles of the quantum vacuum, which dominates in the total force exchange process with electromagnetic interactions. Thus, a test mass under gravity sees that the quantum vacuum accelerate in the same way as it did when the test mass was subjected to acceleration alone. Thus, equivalence arises from the reversal of the acceleration vectors of the quantum vacuum with respect to a test mass undergoing acceleration as compared to a test mass subjected to a gravitational field. In accelerated frames, it is the mass that accelerates; inside gravitational fields it is the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum that accelerates. However, the direct graviton exchanges with the test mass and the earth upsets perfect equivalence, with gravitational mass of an object being slightly larger than inertial mass. This violation of the WEP (with three other experimental tests of EMQG) might be detectable experimentally.

All elementary (fermion) particles consist of combinations of just one fundamental matter (and anti-matter) particle called the masseon particle. The masseon has one, fixed (smallest) quanta of mass (similar to the idea of a quanta of electric charge), which we call low level mass charge. The masseon also carries either a positive or negative (smallest) quanta of electric charge. The masseon particle generates a fixed flux of gravitons, with a flux rate being completely unaffected by relativistic motion. The graviton is the vector boson exchange particle of the pure gravitational force interaction. In EMQG, the physics of graviton exchanges is nearly identical to the photon exchange process in QED, with the same concept of positive and negative gravitational mass charge carried by masseons and anti-masseons respectively (this is a gross violation of the equivalence principle for anti-matter). The ratio of the graviton to photon exchange force coupling is about 10-40. In QED, the quantum vacuum consists of virtual electrons, virtual anti-electrons, and virtual photons. In EMQG, the quantum vacuum consists of virtual masseons, virtual anti-masseons, and virtual gravitons, which also posses both positive and negative electrical charge and positive and negative mass charge. There are almost equal numbers of virtual masseon and anti-masseon particles existing in the quantum vacuum everywhere, and at any given time. This is why the cosmological constant is very close to zero in the universe; there is an equal proportion of attractive and repulsive gravitational forces in the quantum vacuum."

Hi Stoat, This morning I was thinking about a three phase process of gravitons, mass fluctuations, and antigravitons and how tidal forces are created between mass fluctuations generating a casimir effect. I finally ran across the above paper again regarding vacuum energy and cosmological constant being close to zero---I will study this paper and report back later. Because mass is an effect of this overall process and we can only see light speed interactions, the real nuts and bolts of these greater graviton interactions are hidden in these higher frequencies that are out of phase with our existence. So, take for instance the relationship of tidal forces between Earth and the Moon. At phase one of graviton impact frequencies in negative space we would see a hole where Earth and Moon exist and a continuous gravitostatic flash, phase two where we live at light speed mass fluctuation frequencies a casimir effect forms from gravitostatic field that has a negative charge producing virtual electrons. Phase three at antigraviton frequencies positive space, the exit wave would twist away from mass in opposing directions pushing the two mass fluctuations together creating a casimir effect between objects sharing gravitostatic fields. Ultimately, that is why black holes exist because of the short circuiting of the greater power of the graviton/antigraviton cycle creating a concentrated vortex of reverse waves around a central antimatter core. The polar regions most likely have the greatest concentration of antigravitons exiting spheres. I agree with you regarding rigid spacial relationships on large scales. At the graviton spectrum of extremely higher frequencies than light we might see space as a solid. We operate out of phase with this greater motion so we see space as a dark body. John

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16 years 8 months ago #20909 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

For the most part this theory is a vast improvement over pure GR using curvature of space/time around mass for cause of gravity. No mention of Gravitons operating at FTL speeds but does hint at Newtonian instantaneous force. Yet EMQG theory understands correctly that the vacumm state is balanced between virtual particles. However, EMQG theory does not understand the relationship between forward and reverse time domain interactions around toroidal subscale rotations of matter/antimatter [mesons] and large scale rotations of matter/antimatter as cause of all reciprocal motion in Universe, including CP violations due to time variance of matter and antimatter portions of Universe. In other words, EMQG theory does not understand the Graviton Cycle as being caused by this flux exchange between large scale matter and antimatter domain rotations.

I will insert my interpretations into document:


"We provide a quantum field theoretic derivation of Einsteins Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) of general relativity using a new quantum gravity theory proposed by the authors called Electro-Magnetic Quantum Gravity or EMQG (ref. 1). EMQG is manifestly compatible with Cellular Automata (CA) theory (ref. 2 and 4), and is also based on a new theory of inertia (ref. 5) proposed by R. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (which we modified and called Quantum Inertia, QI). QI states that classical Newtonian Inertia is a property of matter due to the strictly local electromagnetic force interactions of each of the (electrically charged) elementary particles of the mass (masseon particles) with the surrounding (electrically charged) virtual particles (virtual masseons) of the quantum vacuum. **[Source of virtual particles - fallout from GRAVITON IMPACTS/ANTIGRAVITON REVERSALS creating a GRAVITOSTATIC FIELD-FTL EXTREME HIGH FREQUENCY ABOVE THAT OF LIGHT] The sum of all the tiny electromagnetic forces (photon exchanges with the vacuum) originating in each charged elementary particle of the accelerated mass is the source of the total inertial force of a mass which opposes accelerated motion in Newtons law F = MA. Therefore, classical Newtonian inertia follows from the basic principles of quantum field theory. The paradoxes that arise in acceleration (Machs principle) are resolved, and Newtons laws of motion are now understood within quantum field theory.

We invoked Einsteins principle of equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass to understand the origin of gravitational mass from the perspective of quantum inertia. We found that gravity also involves the same inertial electromagnetic force component that exists in inertial mass. We propose that Einsteins general relativistic Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) originates from common lower level quantum vacuum processes occurring in both gravitational mass and inertial mass in accordance with the principles of quantum field theory. Gravitational mass results from the interactions of both the electromagnetic force (photon exchanges) and the pure gravitational force (graviton exchanges} on matter, acting simultaneously. However, inertial mass is strictly the result of the electromagnetic force process only, as given by quantum inertia principle (with negligible graviton processes present) **[GRAVITON CYCLE is source of electromagnetic force and all forces!!!!]. Under gravitation, a test mass near the earth exchanges gravitons with the earth. However, the surrounding (electrically charged) virtual particles also exchange gravitons with the earth **[Wrong-Gravitons originate from either higher scale motion, or from black holes in antimatter time domains-gravitostatic field around both objects creates shell of resonance boundary zone-tidal forces are from both objects motion within this shell of resonance and electromagnetic exhange, graviton shadowing, and reverse flipping antigravitons coming off shell as alligned with dual rotations], causing the virtual particles to accelerate (fall) towards the earth **[electrical circuit exchanged with 90 degree twisting magnetic field, equals less gravity, forming a column of low pressure between objects]. A test mass does moves under the influence of the direct graviton exchanges, but more importantly also under the influence of the falling (electrically charged) virtual particles of the quantum vacuum, which dominates in the total force exchange process with electromagnetic interactions. Thus, a test mass under gravity sees that the quantum vacuum accelerate in the same way as it did when the test mass was subjected to acceleration alone. Thus, equivalence arises from the reversal of the acceleration vectors of the quantum vacuum with respect to a test mass undergoing acceleration as compared to a test mass subjected to a gravitational field **[wrong-FTL extension tubes of force preceed forward time mass in motion-antigravitons in the vacuum]. In accelerated frames, it is the mass that accelerates; inside gravitational fields **[GRAVITOSTATIC FIELDS accelerate virtual particles from graviton/antigraviton cycle]it is the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum that accelerates. However, the direct graviton exchanges with the test mass and the earth upsets perfect equivalence, with gravitational mass of an object being slightly larger than inertial mass. This violation of the WEP (with three other experimental tests of EMQG) might be detectable experimentally **[on the right track but we will never see a graviton, or a gravity wave---we will only see light speed electromagnetic waves which are the result of the gravitostatic field resonances that operate way above that of light frequencies].

All elementary (fermion) particles consist of combinations of just one fundamental matter (and anti-matter) particle called the masseon particle. The masseon has one, fixed (smallest) quanta of mass (similar to the idea of a quanta of electric charge), which we call low level mass charge. The masseon also carries either a positive or negative (smallest) quanta of electric charge. The masseon particle generates a fixed flux of gravitons, with a flux rate being completely unaffected by relativistic motion. The graviton is the vector boson exchange particle of the pure gravitational force interaction. **[I agree - graviton vector boson exchange particle] In EMQG, the physics of graviton exchanges is nearly identical to the photon exchange process in QED, with the same concept of positive and negative gravitational mass charge carried by masseons and anti-masseons respectively (this is a gross violation of the equivalence principle for anti-matter). The ratio of the graviton to photon exchange force coupling is about 10-40. In QED, the quantum vacuum consists of virtual electrons, virtual anti-electrons, and virtual photons. In EMQG, the quantum vacuum consists of virtual masseons, virtual anti-masseons, and virtual gravitons, which also posses both positive and negative electrical charge and positive and negative mass charge. **[hinting at antigravitons] There are almost equal numbers of virtual masseon and anti-masseon particles existing in the quantum vacuum everywhere, and at any given time. This is why the cosmological constant is very close to zero in the universe; there is an equal proportion of attractive and repulsive gravitational forces in the quantum vacuum." **[this is a great attempt at unification of the forces-I am glad that I re-found this paper!!!]

Hi Stoat, This morning I was thinking about a three phase process of gravitons, mass fluctuations, and antigravitons and how tidal forces are created between mass fluctuations generating a casimir effect. I finally ran across the above paper again regarding vacuum energy and cosmological constant being close to zero---I will study this paper and report back later. Because mass is an effect of this overall process and we can only see light speed interactions, the real nuts and bolts of these greater graviton interactions are hidden in these higher frequencies that are out of phase with our existence. So, take for instance the relationship of tidal forces between Earth and the Moon. At phase one of graviton impact frequencies in negative space we would see a hole where Earth and Moon exist and a continuous gravitostatic flash, phase two where we live at light speed mass fluctuation frequencies a casimir effect forms from gravitostatic field that has a negative charge producing virtual electrons. Phase three at antigraviton frequencies positive space, the exit wave would twist away from mass in opposing directions pushing the two mass fluctuations together creating a casimir effect between objects sharing gravitostatic fields. Ultimately, that is why black holes exist because of the short circuiting of the greater power of the graviton/antigraviton cycle creating a concentrated vortex of reverse waves around a central antimatter core. The polar regions most likely have the greatest concentration of antigravitons exiting spheres. I agree with you regarding rigid spacial relationships on large scales. At the graviton spectrum of extremely higher frequencies than light we might see space as a solid. We operate out of phase with this greater motion so we see space as a dark body. John

More work is required to perfect the tidal forces explanation between dual rotations.

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16 years 8 months ago #20051 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey

First off, space is flat and does not have any actual ability to curve so the entire concept of space time curvature is a misnomer. However, after re-reading old posts and the ESA Martin Tajmar 6500 rpm superconductor gravitomagnetic effects trillions times higher then GR predictions, which certainly does acknowledge the power of the graviton---and, points towards a unification of the forces which include curved fields. Let's get right to the point, the gravitostatic field is unified around mass providing stability --- you do not feel high speed orbital velocities because of the unified mass attraction within this unified field. Returning gravitons cycle through mass, this is the boson exchange, and Electrons warp this gravitostatic field because they both carry a negative charge. That is the break through, the greater field forms lines of force around electrons---almost a dampening effect and maybe in forward time allows for such incredible assemblies of atomic structure. But, here is the kicker accelerations of electrons increase the magnetic field lines of force which is actually an FTL gravitostatic field. John

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16 years 8 months ago #19946 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, a couple of days ago I was in my pub for the annual beer festival. I got on about the speed of gravity and realised that such huge numbers didnt mean much to people. So, as Id just been getting some new fitted carpets, I thought Id use that as an analogy.

Weve got a speed of gravity, that I think is, 1.16464217444E 25 metres per second. Or we can write that as 3.88482813146E 16 times c. So, lets ask ourselves, if the universe is about twenty eight billion light years across, whats its diameter in terms of gravity. It comes out at about twenty two metres across! Light is travelling very, very, very slowly across this space, 5.66305619079E-16 metres per second, thats ten times smaller than the radius of a proton.

So lets call in a carpet fitter to carpet a room twenty two metres across. I want it with a surface area of 28 billion light years. Not phased at all by this, he says, It has to be a fur carpet then. If we use polar bear, hollow fur, then we can double the surface area, and also avoid any annoying micro black holes. Of course real polar bear fur is way too big. We need each hair to be smaller than h across. You do realise that each hair will be light years long? Dont worry though, we can flatten the pile down for you.

Can I have a pattern on this carpet? you ask archly. The carpet fitter gives that tradesmans sharp intake of breath. Nah, the individual hairs are so long that the ends of them can be brushed to any part of the room, a pattern would be broken up over time.

Now, this carpet has incredible space curvature, it wouldnt have time curvature, with time being seen as simply a spacial dimension. I would hazard a guess, that a time metric is related to where the tip of a hair is, in relation to its base.

It looks like a string theory but with cosine tubes.

If a photon passes from one medium to another, of differing refractive index, then its frequency stays the same but its wavelength changes. so what about frequency changes? Frequencies increase on quantum tunnelling. This carpet has ample opportunities for quantum tunnelling to occur. The end of a hair could jump back to be above its base, without having to disentangle itself. In effect, it teleports its tip from a to b.

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