Antigravity Research

17 years 4 days ago #20484 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Greg, I totally agree with your statement: "I think life springs up immediately in smaller settings in any circumstance that allows it because life is already present in the larger scale." My hunch is that Life creational processes and biochemistry amino acid formations may have more to do with a programming signal through out this region of space then with accidental creation. I will take this statement a step further, that life exists virtually everywhere through out the Universe. Cite: Project Lotus, Ganish Particles. John

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17 years 3 days ago #19843 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
Hi Stoat, If you were to graph our scale of motion as a Matter BEC paired with a reverse motion Antimatter BEC there would be a common direction around a central axis/core with two lobes also rotating around themselves. There is magnetic flux exchange between the two halves and collapsing fields from the next higher rotation would rain into this realm with Gravitons. We can only see one half of the wave front, and again that is a very limited view in forward time that operates at speed of light. If we could stand back far enough we would see the reversal of the graviton regenerative process leave forward time going in reverse back towards the other half of the larger scale rotation. This is a complex process with each scale of motion embedded in larger motions. Time is really an illusion when measuring motion, because at extremely large scale motion we would see these subscales operating very quickly blinking in and out of creation. When the actual speeds of motion would be reversed from our point of view the higher scales would be moving faster!!!! John

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17 years 1 day ago #19845 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
I had some further thoughts regarding high spin states and super resonance. Stoat, In looking at your toroid graph of electron a central cavity might become a resonating chamber, so that subscale inverse mirror atomic particles might communicate via this resonating chamber to the original larger scale energy state. I could not figure out how subscales could communicate if they were a cascade from an original higher scale of motion and separated with extreme space between this lower motion scale. Gravitons are easy as it is a cascade from next higher motion scale, but increasingly higher energy states found in increasingly tighter rotations and higher energy levels found in sub particles. That is the real question to be answered---Just how does this state communicate with original high energy scale? Sub particles are an inverse mirror pyramid of increasingly higher energy levels until reaching the ultimate point particle. Even then that point particle would have a pair [BEC group pairing-ultimate quantum state- universe wide tunneling?], but it would be very far away. Points of extreme charge/energy in motion must resonate in chambers under extreme pressure from tightly wound-extremely fast rotating systems. Just some thoughts, John

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17 years 22 hours ago #19118 by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
Hi John, the first thing to look at, is where would this stand in terms of mainstream science. No great problems with the toroidal electron, the maths pans out, so scientists will use that model, or a spherical electron when it suits the calculations. Quantum mechanics does have a problem though, in that they want the electron to simply be a point charge of zero dimensions. They "feel" that the proton on the other hand has to have dimensions. This is in spite of the classical view that the proton is smaller in radius, and therefore of greater mass density.

They would also argue that the strong atomic force cannot apply to the electron, and is only to be found operating in the very small radius of the atomic nucleus. When it come down to it, they could argue that if we live inside of a subatomic particle, then it cannot be the electron but it could be the proton. They cannot argue against the idea of a directly proportional force, as it's the basis of the standard quark viewpoint.

That magnetic field running through the centre of the toroid. It is immensely powerful. 7 * 10^8 Tesla. If our electron takes on, or emits a photon, then that alters its angular momentum and changes the field strength. If we decide to move our electron, then its electromagnetic mass increases. Its radius decreases. Important to note here, its potential energy falls and its kinetic energy increases proportionally. It redistributes its electromagnetic mass, at no time do we get a relativistic increase in mass or energy. As the electron in motion becomes smaller, more massive, its internal frequency falls. The magnetic field strength at the centre stays at its high value.

If we move the electron at the speed of gravity, then the ring radius will approach h. Of course by this time there will be no magnetic field at all but there would be the gravitational equivalent. That being the speed of light in the next scale up of existence.

This reminds me of the thread where we were talking about Captain Kirk and Scottie debating the engineering overkill on their inertial damping system. The ship/particle was going from warp 6 to zero in a nanosecond but was perfectly okay, it just bounced off. So, let's say that a particle of matter is created from the superposition of all frequencies. That means all of them, to infinity. That would make them incredibly tough little brutes. If we were to try and pour in energy from a higher scale, then we are trying to inflate them into a higher scale. That directly proportional force operating stops this from happening to any great extent. Though we could deflate an electron into a meson.

In short I don't think we have the problem of higher scale energy tumbling down the hill to crush the ever smaller particles. We also have a very large ball that has the curvature of a straight line. Its radius is infinity. Put that radius on the positive y axis. We can then also have an infinite radius on the negative y axis. That restores balance through the whole infinite set.

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16 years 11 months ago #20853 by greg87
Replied by greg87 on topic Reply from
Hi John. I agree that life exists in principle throughout the universe. I'm not so sure about the Project Lotus, area 51/Roswell stuff however. There's a whole lot of paranoia out there in the desert and while I'm sure something is going on, I don't know what it is. Am I right in thinking gravitons exert a pushing force, something like air pressure or even wind? Is the effect of gravity a blocking of high speed gravitons, like a shadow effect? For the math to work, is it simply the mass of the blocker that absorbs (?) the gravitons? Or is it the magnetic field generated by the mass that does the blocking? Could an energy field cause the gravitons to curve and like an airfoil cause a lifting effect?

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16 years 11 months ago #20488 by greg87
Replied by greg87 on topic Reply from
Tom, what I asked them at LIGO was if you took a very large mass near one end of their machine and moved it so that the change in gravity, not the gravitational wave, could be measured by both ends; then could they come up with a speed of gravity. Their machine was sensitive enough to detect the change in gravity in a nearby mass, but not in one so far away unless it was huge. Well, what if you could get a whole building to move? Set up a vibratory effect, like soldiers on a bridge and get a huge mass to move and measure the effect. Put a metronome inside the Great Pyramid with the right frequency, and maybe the vibration and gravity change could be felt through the earth. Maybe the right frequency and the whole earth moves.

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