16 years 8 months ago #19939 by Leo Vuyk
Reply from was created by Leo Vuyk
Mechanistic particle transformation.

THE RING SHAPED Higgs Particles coded(OOO) are
supposed to oscillate in Tandem
along so called linear Vacuum Lattices with the Planck
length, two by two in
opposite directions, as the symmetrical opposite
pistons of a boxer engine, as the origin of all
energy, spin and mass effects.
This enables the Tandem Higgs Particles to change the
form of their own Torus into an Electron and Positron
pair at the same time and to originate all other
oscillations and interactions, as d <=>s and c<=> b .
It is proposed that Photon radiation is the result of
mechanical change by collisions between Single Higgs
Particles and Quarks or Leptons.
There are 6 different shapes for Photons and 5 of them
are supposed to act also as Gluons, because they are
able to click on to a Positron or Electron and form
Quarks, Muons or Tau Particles.
The two Higgs Particles in collision with the Quark
connected Gluons, are able to change the symmetrical
shape of three sorts of Gluons (UOU,ROR and LOL) into
Neutrinos, respectively URU,ULU,RRR,RLR,LRL,LLL).
Z-Particles are so called Positroniums (compound
Electron and Positron) able to catch neutrinos and
form a compound W Particle, which seem to be needed to
be able to reshape the Neutrino into a Positron or
Electron or even backwards.
As an example, in Neutron decay, the LOL (d-Quark:
ORO+LOL+LOL) Gluon changes via a Muonic Neutrino LLL
into a Positron OLO (u-Quark: OLO+ROR).(see page 3)
With this Higgs system, it is supposed that Higgs
Particles are able to transfer Photonic geometrical
information at a linear average speed of 7/4 the speed
of Light. The expected transfer retardation at the
vortexes of the Chiral Tetrahedron vacuum Lattice is
included. This should enable the vacuum to mimic the
isotropy of the speed of light.

Decay examples:

Muon decay.

The Muon decaying compound click-on Particle (see
Below ) coded: (ORO,LOL,LOL). Is able to decay into
three single parts: ORO+LRL+LLL. (changing one LOL
into a LRL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: R>L)
and one LOL into a LLL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: O>L).

These particles are called: the Electron(ORO), the
anti-electro-neutrino (LRL) and the muonic neutrino

Kaon decay.

For normal Kaon plus decay, the main decay routes
according to the literature are: (A: mu+, muonic
neutrino)or (B: pi+, pi0)
The Kaon + Particle is coded: for the
U-Quark:(OLO,ROR)and for the anti-S Quark:
For the A route: it is proposed that the u-Quark
(OLO,ROR)decays into (LLL,ROR) which Particle is
supposed to disintegrate and produce the (LLL) muonic
neutrino and one undetected Gluon (ROR) will disappear
into the Gluonic sea.
The anti-s-Quark (OLO,OLO,ROR)will change into a
positive muon (OLO,ROR,ROR).

For the B route: it is proposed that the U-Quark
(OLO,ROR) does not decay and that the anti-S Quark
also decays into (OLO,ROR,ROR) which is in combination
with the U-Quark a positive pion+ Particle.
The pion-0 Particle coded: U, anti-U Quark: (OLO,ROR),
and (ORO,LOL) are mirror symmetric and able to emerge
directly from the vacuum as so called pair production

Rare KaonPlus decay.

A rare Kaon plus Particle decay: K+ => pi+, nu, nubar
, (pi + , neutrino anti-neutrino) is recently
discovered and now acknowledged by a Brookhaven AGS
experiment 949:see:

Interestingly this rare Kaon decay can easily be
derived from the Quatron Torus Particle system
The most simple explanation by this Quatron Particle
click-on system is to assume that the decay is the
same as route B mentioned before and in addition that
the Pion 0 Particle (OLO,ROR)+(ORO,LOL) decays into
two neutrinos.(OLO)=>(RLR) and (ORO)=> (LRL). The
(ROR) and (LOL) Gluons are supposed to disappear into
the Gluonic sea as described above under route A.

Kaon Long/ Short decay.

It is proposed that the Kaon and anti Kaon Particles
(ds)are mixing with themselves and with the Eta (ss)
Particle by the continuous changing of one Gluon into
a Lepton to change the d Quark into an s Quark and
backwards a Lepton into a Gluon from s into a Quark.
(d<=> s)
At the same time it is proposed that the backward
changing d into s last longer due to the slight
chirality of the vacuum .
The angle of attack of the Tandem oscillating Higgs
Particles to the Quarks, must be slightly different.
This is reason to propose that it is the S, anti-S
(Eta Particle) that is the reason for the strange Kaon
decay time-differences
Explanation: the Kaon 0 Particle coded as: d-Quark:
(ORO,LOL,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO,OLO,ROR)
will change into an Eta (s) Particle: s Quark:
(ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO, OLO, ROR) by the
Direct Weak attack mechanism of the tandem vacuum
Particles to change three hinges of one compound
Particle at once (OLO <=> ROR, or ORO <=>LOL).
Then after a while, the intermediate (s anti-s) Eta
Particle will be changed into the
anti-Kano-0, coded: S: (ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-D:
Thus it is assumed that the origin of this strange
Long and Short Kaon decay mechanism is to find in the
difference in transition speed for the LOL Gluon into
the ORO Electron (needed to change the d Quark into an
s Quark) which is supposed to be faster due to the
chirality of the vacuum than the transition speed to
change the OLO Positron into the ROR Gluon (needed to
change the anti-s Quark into an anti d Quark, to
produce the anti Kaon-0 Particle).

Special Weak Interactions:

The Direct Weak attack mechanism by the tandem oscillating vacuum
Special Weak interactions are supposed to change all
three Hinges at once without the aid of the
Z-Particle, such as in Kaon 0,- Eta mixing processes
(OLO<=>ROR or ORO<=>LOL described below).


( for latest Glueball information see also; . pdf )

The shape of some Gluons makes it possible to suggest
that these Particles are able to click-on to each
and form so called Glueballs, found already 20
years ago in collider experiments.
Model experiments are pointing into the direction of
10x bound state, click-on possibilities for two
Gluon Glueballs and also 8x Exotic bound state,
click-on possibilities of Gluons with single Leptons
(ORO and OLO).

10 different Knots with 2xGluon Bound States:


LOU+ROU 2x because there is also a second mirror
image possible.


8x different Exotic Knots with Gluon-Lepton Bound


For comparison, see: 17 masses at . pdf
Page 11 figure 1, comparison between the Glueball
spectrum and Knot energies.
By: R. Buney.

2x different Knots with 3x Gluon bound states:

3x ROU or 3x LOU.

1x Knot with 4x Gluon bound states:

4x UOU.

This new description of elementary Particles, is based
on the idea that Quarks are not single Particles but
compound Particles (bound states) and able to be
created out of the Higgs vacuum at once as Particle
anti-Particle (Quark) pairs, just like an Electron
Positron pair and able to decay into smaller parts.
(see Page 1)

Kitchen Table Models.

Based on real kitchen table model binding
experiments, it is proposed that the 36 different
Quarks of the Standard model are composed out of
one, two or three Electrons, or Positrons and one or
two Gluons, both kept together inside the Quark, by
the special shape which these Quatron Particles should have.
All these forms are supposed to be derived by real
shape transformation out of only one Particle, called
the Higgs Quatron Particle which should have a
special Torus form.
The Torus form is supposed to be equally divided into
FOUR rigid quarter parts, (like Macaroni tubes) each
able to rotate axial relative to the neighbouring
Macaroni tubes and change the shape of the original
Quatron Torus into more complex shapes.
It is assumed that the unification of Particles is
based on a simple 90 degree axial cutting-edge
rotation of the four quarters of the Quatron Torus
This Toy system seems to be surprisingly a simple aid
to mimic shapes for elementary Particles, exotic
Particles like Glueballs and sub-quantum decay

Quatron ( macaroni) Particle model description.

If we imagine a rubber Torus shaped Sealing Ring (say
about 4 cm diameter and a thickness to ring diameter
ratio of about 1: 7) which we cut in two halves, then
we are able to make simple propeller forms out of it,
with two different so called Pitches.
We are able to make propeller forms with a left handed
Pitch, or with a right handed Pitch.
We can do so, by gluing the two halves together again
after rotation of one half of the Torus over 90
degrees (left or right rotated), at one of the two
cutting edges. (see page 2, 4,5 and 6)
At the same time, for more complex Particles we need
to cut the Torus into 4 equal quarters ( macaroni
parts), connected to each other by so called Hinges,
which are proposed to be able to rotate axial in steps
of 90 degrees.
For each Particle , there has to be only three Hinges
which are coded by the mutual rotational displacement
possibilities: O(=unchanged circle) ,U (=180 degree
rotation), L (=90 degree Left hand rotation) and R
(=90 degree Right hand rotation).
As a consequence, the most simple Particle shapes are
the two Pitched Propeller forms described before,
coded ORO and OLO., which we will call arbitrarily the
Electron respectively the Positron.
As an other consequence, the Particle with three
unchanged hinges is coded: (OOO), which is chosen to
be the Higgs-Particle.
A Particle with all three hinges with 90 degrees
rotation to the Right relative to the neighbouring
quarter part, is called (RRR) for three hinges with 90
degrees rotation left it is coded: (LLL) .
The Particle with three hinges rotated over 180
degrees is coded: (UUU).
However not all possible shapes are needed to mimic
the standard model, so Particles with a middle hinge
coded U : (XUX) are not used. The only Particles with
U coded hinges are: UOU ULU URU LOU and ROU. (UOR and
UOL are the same Particles as respectively ROU and

Mechanistic particle transformation.

THE RING SHAPED Higgs Particles coded(OOO) are
supposed to oscillate in Tandem
along so called linear Vacuum Lattices, two by two in
opposite directions, as the symmetrical opposite
pistons of a boxer engine, as the origin of all
energy, spin and mass effects.
This enables the Tandem Higgs Particles to change the
form of their own Torus into an Electron and Positron
pair at the same time and to originate all other
oscillations and interactions, as d <=>s and c<=> b .
It is proposed that Photon radiation is the result of
mechanical change by collisions between Single Higgs
Particles and Quarks or Leptons.
There are 6 different shapes for Photons and 5 of them
are supposed to act also as Gluons, because they are
able to click on to a Positron or Electron and form
Quarks, Muons or Tau Particles.
The two Higgs Particles in collision with the Quark
connected Gluons, are able to change the symmetrical
shape of three sorts of Gluons (UOU,ROR and LOL) into
Neutrinos, respectively URU,ULU,RRR,RLR,LRL,LLL).
Z-Particles are so called Positroniums (compound
Electron and Positron) able to catch neutrinos and
form a compound W Particle, which seem to be needed to
be able to reshape the Neutrino into a Positron or
Electron or even backwards.
As an example, in Neutron decay, the LOL (d-Quark:
ORO+LOL+LOL) Gluon changes via a Muonic Neutrino LLL
into a Positron OLO (u-Quark: OLO+ROR).(see page 3)
With this Higgs system, it is supposed that Higgs
Particles are able to transfer Photonic geometrical
information at a linear average speed of 7/4 the speed
of Light. The expected transfer retardation at the
vortexes of the Chiral Tetrahedron vacuum Lattice is
included. This should enable the vacuum to mimic the
isotropy of the speed of light.
See: see: the Local
Anti-Symmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame (LASOF)

Summary of the single shaped Particles.

The two simple propeller shaped Particles are coded:

ORO: the Electron.
OLO: the Positron.

There are in contrast with the standard model only 5
Gluons needed to satisfy the standard model colour
differences of Quarks.
The Gluons are all 5 able to click on to the Electron
or Positron and form a compound Particles needed for
all Quarks the Muon and Tau Particle .
They are coded:

There are in contrast with the standard model : 6
different shapes for (Monopole) Photons, 5 of them
have the same shape as the Gluons mentioned before,
they are: .
UOU= Photon for visible and IR light.
ROR= electric + Photon
LOL= electric Photon
LOU= magnetic South Photon
ROU= magnetic North Photon
The Graviton ROL (or LOR)= is expected to be the
Photon without click-on possibilities.
Because of the frequency overlap of gamma and x-ray
radiation it could be possible that this radiation is
not based on the so called General Photon UOU, but
should be coded differently as LOO and ROO.
In that case there are 8 Photons in stead of 6.

Neutrinos are supposed to be NOT able to click-on
with compound fermions as Gluons do.
In contrast Neutrinos are supposed to be originated as
collision products out of the shape of one of the 5
Gluons or Electron or Positron by the standard Weak
Z-Particle operation
Neutrinos with codes and origin Particles:
RRR: the anti-muon-neutrino. Possible origin
Particles: ROR, ORO
LLL: the muon-neutrino. LOL, OLO
RLR: the electro-neutrino. ROR, OLO
LRL: the anti-electro-neutrino. LOL, ORO
URU: the Tau-neutrino. UOU.
ULU: the anti-Tau-neutrino. UOU.
The Z-Particle.
The Z-Particle is supposed to be a very loose
click-on compound combination of an Electron (ORO)
and a Positron (OLO).
The W-Particle is not assumed to exist as a single
Particle, it is assumed to be a Particle changing
process, in combination with the aiding Z-Particle.
The Z Particle is supposed to be a help by form
changing processes of Standard Weak interactions
(described above).

Quark generations.
The three different coloured Up-Quarks are coded:

ORO+LOL, or ORO+LOU, or ORO+UOU. (2 compound

Anti-Up-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
OLO+ROR, or OLO+ROU, or OLO+UOU. (2 compound

Down-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
ORO+2.LOL, or ORO+2.LOU, or ORO+2.UOU. (3 compound

anti-Down-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
OLO+2.ROR, or OLO+2.ROU, or OLO+2.UOU. (3 compound

The three different coloured Strange-Quarks are coded:

2.ORO+LOL, 2.ORO+LOU, or 2.ORO+UOU. (3 compound

Anti-Strange-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2. OLO+ROR, 2.OLO+ROU, or 2.OLO+UOU. (3 compound
Particles .

Charm-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2.ORO+2.LOL, 2.ORO+2.LOU, or 2.ORO+2.UOU. (4 compound

anti-Charm-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2.OLO+2.ROR, 2.OLO+2.ROU, or 2.OLO+2.UOU. (4 compound

The three different coloured Bottom-Quarks are coded:

3.ORO+LOL, 3.ORO+LOU, or 3.ORO+UOU. (4 compound

Anti-Bottom-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3. OLO+ROR, 3.OLO+ROU, or 3.OLO+UOU. (4 compound

Top-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3.ORO+2.LOL, 3.ORO+2.LOU, or 3.ORO+2.UOU. (5 compound

anti-Top-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3.OLO+2.ROR, 3.OLO+2.ROU, or 3.OLO+2.UOU. (5 compound

Compound Leptons:
Muon Particles are coded: mu+: OLO+2ORO,
(=anti-d-Quark) mu-: ORO+2.LOL.(=d-Quark)
Tau Particles are coded: tau+: 2.OLO+2UOU, (=c-Quark).
tau-: 2ORO+2UOU.(=anti-c-Quark)

Counting Particles.
We count: 6 Photons (Gluons included) , 6 single
neutrinos, 2 single leptons and one single
Higgs-Particle= 17 single Particles. +36 compound
Quarks and one compound Z Particle = 54 different
formed functional Particles if we exclude exotic
Particles like Glueballs etc.(see below)


A new reason for a dual-symmetrical smooth evaporation
of multiple anti-mirror universes in an alternative
Big Bang process, is based on the new system for
elementary Particles, described before and the
chirality of the Higgs-Particle based vacuum .
The chirality of the vacuum , should be responsible,
for our material universe, because it is assumed that
anti-matter is less stable than matter within the
moment of creation in a chiral oscillating vacuum after the
semi-cold Higgs particles evaporating Big Bang.
Thus Matter in our universe, is supposed to be created
without annihilation processes, direct out of the evaporated
vacuum Higgs-Particles.
At a result, the chirality of the vacuum should be
responsible for the origin of strange CP violations
found in the so called Kaon- O Short and Long decay.

More details at :

Leo Vuyk.

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16 years 8 months ago #19940 by Leo Vuyk
Replied by Leo Vuyk on topic Reply from
Mechanistic particle transformation.

THE RING SHAPED Higgs Particles coded(OOO) are
supposed to oscillate in Tandem
along so called linear Vacuum Lattices with the Planck
length, two by two in
opposite directions, as the symmetrical opposite
pistons of a boxer engine, as the origin of all
energy, spin and mass effects.
This enables the Tandem Higgs Particles to change the
form of their own Torus into an Electron and Positron
pair at the same time and to originate all other
oscillations and interactions, as d <=>s and c<=> b .
It is proposed that Photon radiation is the result of
mechanical change by collisions between Single Higgs
Particles and Quarks or Leptons.
There are 6 different shapes for Photons and 5 of them
are supposed to act also as Gluons, because they are
able to click on to a Positron or Electron and form
Quarks, Muons or Tau Particles.
The two Higgs Particles in collision with the Quark
connected Gluons, are able to change the symmetrical
shape of three sorts of Gluons (UOU,ROR and LOL) into
Neutrinos, respectively URU,ULU,RRR,RLR,LRL,LLL).
Z-Particles are so called Positroniums (compound
Electron and Positron) able to catch neutrinos and
form a compound W Particle, which seem to be needed to
be able to reshape the Neutrino into a Positron or
Electron or even backwards.
As an example, in Neutron decay, the LOL (d-Quark:
ORO+LOL+LOL) Gluon changes via a Muonic Neutrino LLL
into a Positron OLO (u-Quark: OLO+ROR).(see page 3)
With this Higgs system, it is supposed that Higgs
Particles are able to transfer Photonic geometrical
information at a linear average speed of 7/4 the speed
of Light. The expected transfer retardation at the
vortexes of the Chiral Tetrahedron vacuum Lattice is
included. This should enable the vacuum to mimic the
isotropy of the speed of light.

Decay examples:

Muon decay.

The Muon decaying compound click-on Particle (see
Below ) coded: (ORO,LOL,LOL). Is able to decay into
three single parts: ORO+LRL+LLL. (changing one LOL
into a LRL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: R>L)
and one LOL into a LLL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: O>L).

These particles are called: the Electron(ORO), the
anti-electro-neutrino (LRL) and the muonic neutrino

Kaon decay.

For normal Kaon plus decay, the main decay routes
according to the literature are: (A: mu+, muonic
neutrino)or (B: pi+, pi0)
The Kaon + Particle is coded: for the
U-Quark:(OLO,ROR)and for the anti-S Quark:
For the A route: it is proposed that the u-Quark
(OLO,ROR)decays into (LLL,ROR) which Particle is
supposed to disintegrate and produce the (LLL) muonic
neutrino and one undetected Gluon (ROR) will disappear
into the Gluonic sea.
The anti-s-Quark (OLO,OLO,ROR)will change into a
positive muon (OLO,ROR,ROR).

For the B route: it is proposed that the U-Quark
(OLO,ROR) does not decay and that the anti-S Quark
also decays into (OLO,ROR,ROR) which is in combination
with the U-Quark a positive pion+ Particle.
The pion-0 Particle coded: U, anti-U Quark: (OLO,ROR),
and (ORO,LOL) are mirror symmetric and able to emerge
directly from the vacuum as so called pair production

Rare KaonPlus decay.

A rare Kaon plus Particle decay: K+ => pi+, nu, nubar
, (pi + , neutrino anti-neutrino) is recently
discovered and now acknowledged by a Brookhaven AGS
experiment 949:see:

Interestingly this rare Kaon decay can easily be
derived from the Quatron Torus Particle system
The most simple explanation by this Quatron Particle
click-on system is to assume that the decay is the
same as route B mentioned before and in addition that
the Pion 0 Particle (OLO,ROR)+(ORO,LOL) decays into
two neutrinos.(OLO)=>(RLR) and (ORO)=> (LRL). The
(ROR) and (LOL) Gluons are supposed to disappear into
the Gluonic sea as described above under route A.

Kaon Long/ Short decay.

It is proposed that the Kaon and anti Kaon Particles
(ds)are mixing with themselves and with the Eta (ss)
Particle by the continuous changing of one Gluon into
a Lepton to change the d Quark into an s Quark and
backwards a Lepton into a Gluon from s into a Quark.
(d<=> s)
At the same time it is proposed that the backward
changing d into s last longer due to the slight
chirality of the vacuum .
The angle of attack of the Tandem oscillating Higgs
Particles to the Quarks, must be slightly different.
This is reason to propose that it is the S, anti-S
(Eta Particle) that is the reason for the strange Kaon
decay time-differences
Explanation: the Kaon 0 Particle coded as: d-Quark:
(ORO,LOL,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO,OLO,ROR)
will change into an Eta (s) Particle: s Quark:
(ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO, OLO, ROR) by the
Direct Weak attack mechanism of the tandem vacuum
Particles to change three hinges of one compound
Particle at once (OLO <=> ROR, or ORO <=>LOL).
Then after a while, the intermediate (s anti-s) Eta
Particle will be changed into the
anti-Kano-0, coded: S: (ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-D:
Thus it is assumed that the origin of this strange
Long and Short Kaon decay mechanism is to find in the
difference in transition speed for the LOL Gluon into
the ORO Electron (needed to change the d Quark into an
s Quark) which is supposed to be faster due to the
chirality of the vacuum than the transition speed to
change the OLO Positron into the ROR Gluon (needed to
change the anti-s Quark into an anti d Quark, to
produce the anti Kaon-0 Particle).

Special Weak Interactions:

The Direct Weak attack mechanism by the tandem oscillating vacuum
Special Weak interactions are supposed to change all
three Hinges at once without the aid of the
Z-Particle, such as in Kaon 0,- Eta mixing processes
(OLO<=>ROR or ORO<=>LOL described below).


( for latest Glueball information see also; . pdf )

The shape of some Gluons makes it possible to suggest
that these Particles are able to click-on to each
and form so called Glueballs, found already 20
years ago in collider experiments.
Model experiments are pointing into the direction of
10x bound state, click-on possibilities for two
Gluon Glueballs and also 8x Exotic bound state,
click-on possibilities of Gluons with single Leptons
(ORO and OLO).

10 different Knots with 2xGluon Bound States:


LOU+ROU 2x because there is also a second mirror
image possible.


8x different Exotic Knots with Gluon-Lepton Bound


For comparison, see: 17 masses at . pdf
Page 11 figure 1, comparison between the Glueball
spectrum and Knot energies.
By: R. Buney.

2x different Knots with 3x Gluon bound states:

3x ROU or 3x LOU.

1x Knot with 4x Gluon bound states:

4x UOU.

This new description of elementary Particles, is based
on the idea that Quarks are not single Particles but
compound Particles (bound states) and able to be
created out of the Higgs vacuum at once as Particle
anti-Particle (Quark) pairs, just like an Electron
Positron pair and able to decay into smaller parts.
(see Page 1)

Kitchen Table Models.

Based on real kitchen table model binding
experiments, it is proposed that the 36 different
Quarks of the Standard model are composed out of
one, two or three Electrons, or Positrons and one or
two Gluons, both kept together inside the Quark, by
the special shape which these Quatron Particles should have.
All these forms are supposed to be derived by real
shape transformation out of only one Particle, called
the Higgs Quatron Particle which should have a
special Torus form.
The Torus form is supposed to be equally divided into
FOUR rigid quarter parts, (like Macaroni tubes) each
able to rotate axial relative to the neighbouring
Macaroni tubes and change the shape of the original
Quatron Torus into more complex shapes.
It is assumed that the unification of Particles is
based on a simple 90 degree axial cutting-edge
rotation of the four quarters of the Quatron Torus
This Toy system seems to be surprisingly a simple aid
to mimic shapes for elementary Particles, exotic
Particles like Glueballs and sub-quantum decay

Quatron ( macaroni) Particle model description.

If we imagine a rubber Torus shaped Sealing Ring (say
about 4 cm diameter and a thickness to ring diameter
ratio of about 1: 7) which we cut in two halves, then
we are able to make simple propeller forms out of it,
with two different so called Pitches.
We are able to make propeller forms with a left handed
Pitch, or with a right handed Pitch.
We can do so, by gluing the two halves together again
after rotation of one half of the Torus over 90
degrees (left or right rotated), at one of the two
cutting edges. (see page 2, 4,5 and 6)
At the same time, for more complex Particles we need
to cut the Torus into 4 equal quarters ( macaroni
parts), connected to each other by so called Hinges,
which are proposed to be able to rotate axial in steps
of 90 degrees.
For each Particle , there has to be only three Hinges
which are coded by the mutual rotational displacement
possibilities: O(=unchanged circle) ,U (=180 degree
rotation), L (=90 degree Left hand rotation) and R
(=90 degree Right hand rotation).
As a consequence, the most simple Particle shapes are
the two Pitched Propeller forms described before,
coded ORO and OLO., which we will call arbitrarily the
Electron respectively the Positron.
As an other consequence, the Particle with three
unchanged hinges is coded: (OOO), which is chosen to
be the Higgs-Particle.
A Particle with all three hinges with 90 degrees
rotation to the Right relative to the neighbouring
quarter part, is called (RRR) for three hinges with 90
degrees rotation left it is coded: (LLL) .
The Particle with three hinges rotated over 180
degrees is coded: (UUU).
However not all possible shapes are needed to mimic
the standard model, so Particles with a middle hinge
coded U : (XUX) are not used. The only Particles with
U coded hinges are: UOU ULU URU LOU and ROU. (UOR and
UOL are the same Particles as respectively ROU and

Summary of the single shaped Particles.

The two simple propeller shaped Particles are coded:

ORO: the Electron.
OLO: the Positron.

There are in contrast with the standard model only 5
Gluons needed to satisfy the standard model colour
differences of Quarks.
The Gluons are all 5 able to click on to the Electron
or Positron and form a compound Particles needed for
all Quarks the Muon and Tau Particle .
They are coded:

There are in contrast with the standard model : 6
different shapes for (Monopole) Photons, 5 of them
have the same shape as the Gluons mentioned before,
they are: .
UOU= Photon for visible and IR light.
ROR= electric + Photon
LOL= electric Photon
LOU= magnetic South Photon
ROU= magnetic North Photon
The Graviton ROL (or LOR)= is expected to be the
Photon without click-on possibilities.
Because of the frequency overlap of gamma and x-ray
radiation it could be possible that this radiation is
not based on the so called General Photon UOU, but
should be coded differently as LOO and ROO.
In that case there are 8 Photons in stead of 6.

Neutrinos are supposed to be NOT able to click-on
with compound fermions as Gluons do.
In contrast Neutrinos are supposed to be originated as
collision products out of the shape of one of the 5
Gluons or Electron or Positron by the standard Weak
Z-Particle operation
Neutrinos with codes and origin Particles:
RRR: the anti-muon-neutrino. Possible origin
Particles: ROR, ORO
LLL: the muon-neutrino. LOL, OLO
RLR: the electro-neutrino. ROR, OLO
LRL: the anti-electro-neutrino. LOL, ORO
URU: the Tau-neutrino. UOU.
ULU: the anti-Tau-neutrino. UOU.
The Z-Particle.
The Z-Particle is supposed to be a very loose
click-on compound combination of an Electron (ORO)
and a Positron (OLO).
The W-Particle is not assumed to exist as a single
Particle, it is assumed to be a Particle changing
process, in combination with the aiding Z-Particle.
The Z Particle is supposed to be a help by form
changing processes of Standard Weak interactions
(described above).

Quark generations.
The three different coloured Up-Quarks are coded:

ORO+LOL, or ORO+LOU, or ORO+UOU. (2 compound

Anti-Up-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
OLO+ROR, or OLO+ROU, or OLO+UOU. (2 compound

Down-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
ORO+2.LOL, or ORO+2.LOU, or ORO+2.UOU. (3 compound

anti-Down-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
OLO+2.ROR, or OLO+2.ROU, or OLO+2.UOU. (3 compound

The three different coloured Strange-Quarks are coded:

2.ORO+LOL, 2.ORO+LOU, or 2.ORO+UOU. (3 compound

Anti-Strange-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2. OLO+ROR, 2.OLO+ROU, or 2.OLO+UOU. (3 compound
Particles .

Charm-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2.ORO+2.LOL, 2.ORO+2.LOU, or 2.ORO+2.UOU. (4 compound

anti-Charm-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
2.OLO+2.ROR, 2.OLO+2.ROU, or 2.OLO+2.UOU. (4 compound

The three different coloured Bottom-Quarks are coded:

3.ORO+LOL, 3.ORO+LOU, or 3.ORO+UOU. (4 compound

Anti-Bottom-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3. OLO+ROR, 3.OLO+ROU, or 3.OLO+UOU. (4 compound

Top-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3.ORO+2.LOL, 3.ORO+2.LOU, or 3.ORO+2.UOU. (5 compound

anti-Top-Quarks (three colours) are coded:
3.OLO+2.ROR, 3.OLO+2.ROU, or 3.OLO+2.UOU. (5 compound

Compound Leptons:
Muon Particles are coded: mu+: OLO+2ORO,
(=anti-d-Quark) mu-: ORO+2.LOL.(=d-Quark)
Tau Particles are coded: tau+: 2.OLO+2UOU, (=c-Quark).
tau-: 2ORO+2UOU.(=anti-c-Quark)

Counting Particles.
We count: 6 Photons (Gluons included) , 6 single
neutrinos, 2 single leptons and one single
Higgs-Particle= 17 single Particles. +36 compound
Quarks and one compound Z Particle = 54 different
formed functional Particles if we exclude exotic
Particles like Glueballs etc.(see below)


A new reason for a dual-symmetrical smooth evaporation
of multiple anti-mirror universes in an alternative
Big Bang process, is based on the new system for
elementary Particles, described before and the
chirality of the Higgs-Particle based vacuum .
The chirality of the vacuum , should be responsible,
for our material universe, because it is assumed that
anti-matter is less stable than matter within the
moment of creation in a chiral oscillating vacuum after the
semi-cold Higgs particles evaporating Big Bang.
Thus Matter in our universe, is supposed to be created
without annihilation processes, direct out of the evaporated
vacuum Higgs-Particles.
At a result, the chirality of the vacuum should be
responsible for the origin of strange CP violations
found in the so called Kaon- O Short and Long decay.

More details at :

Leo Vuyk.

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16 years 8 months ago #19945 by Leo Vuyk
Replied by Leo Vuyk on topic Reply from
For more clarity, I made a new drawing of my SIMPLE magnetic experiment which proved the existence of the two magnetic (North and South) potential
(A) of the earth magnetic field and the boundary layer between them.
see the permalloy test tube with compass.


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16 years 8 months ago #19947 by Leo Vuyk
Replied by Leo Vuyk on topic Reply from
Are there monopoles in my model?
YES and NO, there are supposed to be only photonic monopoles , no Fermionic monopoles.
Look at my proposal for the REAL double spin state of fermions with the
electron as a simple example:

You will notice that fermions can be compared with little dipoles
emitting two different monopole photons bundles at each end.

According to my model permalloy is able to reflect both types of monopole photons for about 100%
Permalloy is as you will know, used as a screening shield for electron tubes like
In fact I used one of thes for my experiment.

In the perspective of my monopole photon idea, you should imagine
that the earth emits two bubbles of these photons at the same time
out of every single point.
As a result you can see my permalloy tube as a magnetic telescope, which is
guiding these bubbles ( due to photon reflection of the tube) from only one direction of space to the compass.

Then if the influence of both types of photons on the compass needle is equal, the compass
needle will point perpendicular to the central axis of the tube.
That is the point I made statistics on. at my place in the netherlands,
and Greece.

It would be fine if others would make the same experiment at other places
to check my results.

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16 years 6 months ago #20132 by Leo Vuyk
Replied by Leo Vuyk on topic Reply from
Black hole Paradigm shift leading to a TOE.

Something SMALL is wrong with physics if we look at the Hubble images of our universe. This and other anomalies described in the book are a firm reason to suggest a Higgs-Black hole nucleus PARADIGM SHIFT, leading to a TOE. (Theory Of Everything)


Foreword 1
Introduction 3

Part 1. Something small is wrong with physics 11
Evidence for splitting and pairing New Black holes

1.1. The basic idea 11
1.2. Some new definitions for NEW Black hole physics 21
1.3. Lee Smolins trouble with physics 25
1.4. Examples of splitting and pairing massless Black holes 26
1.5. The new Higgs-vacuum lensing Black hole 35
1.6. The New Black hole relation with Comets 43
1.7. Dark matter and New Black holes 47
1.8. The cyclic Raspberry Multiverse, Dark energy and matter 49

Part 2. The small scale, the God particle 55
The unification of particles and forces

2.1. The shape of the GOD particle 55
2.2. Simple sketches on particle- decay, spin and scattering 63
2.3. Evidence for dual magnetic Monopole radiation 65
2.4. The geometry of particle decay processes 73
2.5. Particle decay processes in detail 76
2.6. An alternative for Feynman diagrams 85
2.7. A New Polar-ring structure for Atom nuclei 87
2.8. Rigid Gluonium knots, Ball lightning and Free energy 89

Part 3. The large scale and the New Black hole. 93
Quantum Gravity.

3.1. Dual Higgs-Graviton pushing Quantum Gravity 93
3.2. Mass in motion and Inertia 96
3.3. Single Higgs Gravity around a New Black hole. 99
3.4. The Fermion repelling horizon of New Black holes 102
3.5. A new WHITE hole between two New Black holes 105
3.6. Galaxy form and formation 110
3.7. Sunspots and new micro Black holes 117
3.8. Gravity lensing by two Sunspot Black holes 120

Part 4. How the magic LASOF mimics relativity rules 127
Variable lightspeed and Fly-by Inertia

4.1. Short distance lightspeed anomalies and tests 127
4.2. Long distance lightspeed anomalies and tests 130
4.3. Dual satellite lightspeed test 136
4.4. The small minor axis of the magic LASOF ellipsoid 137
4.5. Periodic oscillations of Binary systems 139
4.6. The Fly-by anomaly 141
4.7. A simple GPS lightspeed experiment 143
4.8. The de Broglie Bohm-Bell interpretation 146
4.9. How the magic LASOF vacuum keeps C=constant 151

Part 5. Free Will 155
Variable Readiness Potentials and decision making

5.1. Is Less More in the symmetric Multiverse? 155
5.2. Free Will, the CPT symmetric Multiverse and
Benjamin Libets Readiness Potential 157
5.3. A Solar Toroidal Programmable ROM as a base for
our Intuition, Morphic fields and the Nosphere 162
5.4. Soul, Spirit, Mind and the Human STP-ROM 163
5.5. Reduced Free Will 165
5.6. Goals of intelligent life 167
5.7. Conclusions. 168

Part 6. Addendum of initial research results 181
Acknowledgement 228

Leo Vuyk.

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